HCL Commerce Version or later

Configuring the connector/pipeline in NiFi

After you create your custom connector in the Ingest service, you configure it to connect to the database server.


  1. Update the Ingest SQL in the auth.xfields-_Template-DatabasePagingETL process group.
    1. Use the following link to access the NiFi user interface: 
    2. Locate and double-click on the auth.xfields-_Template-DatabasePagingETL process group.
    3. Double-click on the Custom Connector Pipe Process Group. Once that opens, locate and double-click on the SCROLL SQL process group. Locate and right-click on the Define Custom SQL processor and stop the processor.
    4. Double-click on the Define Custom SQL processor to modify its settings.
    5. Select the Properties tab and update the ingest.database.sql property with the your custom SQL code, depending on the custom fields that you would like to include from a catalog table (such as CATGROUP.FIELD1).
      For example,
       SELECT field1, field2,catentry_id FROM catentry ${paging.prefix} ${param.offset} ${paging.link} ${param.pageSize} ${paging.suffix}  
    6. Once the SQL field is updated, click Apply.
    7. Right-click the processor and click Start.
  2. Update the properties of the Custom Connector Pipe processor for the Java processgroup.
    1. In the Custom Connector Pipe process group, double-click on the Map Index Fields From Database process group.
    2. Locate the Transform Document - Map Index Fields From Database process group and stop the processor.
    3. Note the following mandatory properties.
      Entry Identifier
      The _id key used for the output document that will later be sent to Elasticsearch. This identifier can be expressed using flowfile and registry variables, as well as using the index field name in the search response, surrounded by square brackets.
      By default the Entry Identifier value is set to [id.catentry]-[id.language]. Change this value to ${param.storeId}-${param.langId}-${param.catalogId}-[id.catentry].
      Index Type
      The type of search index in Elasticsearch, for example Product or Category. This value should not be changed for this tutorial.
    4. Define the mapping of custom database table fields to corresponding index fields. Set the Property Name to the database table field name and set the Property Value to the corresponding search index field path. The property value can be a multi-valued comma separated list to allow the same database table field to be mapped to more than one search index field name. For example:
      Name:   FIELD1 
      Value:  custom.x_field1.raw, custom.x_field1.normalized
      Note: Re-use the existing index schema mapping where possible, to simplify the customization logic.
      HCL Commerce Version or laterNote: In this example, the sample mappings defined are for FIELD1 and FIELD2. However, if you are including the [id.catentry] and [id.language] placeholders in the Entry identifier, their values will not be set unless you add an additional mapping to the properties. For example, adding the property CATENTRY_ID with the value id.catentry results in the [id.catentry] placeholder being correctly substituted.
    5. Click Apply.
    6. Start the processor by right-clicking on it and selecting Start.


The new connector is now properly configured. In the next lesson, you integrate it into an existing NiFi pipeline.