Push-to-live custom indexes

In this topic you will learn about pushing custom indexes to the live environment.


  1. Copy the push-to-live CloneLink description by right-click and selecting copy.
  2. Paste it NiFi UI Canvas near the push-to-live pipeline.
  3. Right click Configure.
    In the General panel, change the Index name to the custom index. For example, in the sample, change it to MyCustomIndex, and then click Apply.
    After the above step, it will look like the following.
  4. Double-click Process group, once it opens, double-click Clone Index, and see the following.
  5. Right-click on the canvas and select Variables.
  6. In the Variables panel, change the index.source.name and index.target.name to the custom index name, for example, mycustomindex. Then click Apply button.
  7. Add the Process group to clone the custom index into the push-to-live pipeline.
  8. Ensure the transmission is enabled for the new Process group that clones the custom index.