HCL Commerce Version or later

Configuring Catalog Asset Stores

You control Catalog Asset Stores in a slightly different way than eSite stores. There are differences in configuration, REST API differences, and the index building process.

Activating the CAS indexing model

A new row is added to STORECONF table to configure whether a Catalog Asset Store (CAS) uses the CAS index model. For example
0 wc.search.CASIndexModel false
If the value of wc.search.CASIndexModel is false, all catalog asset stores and their eSite stores under them use the eSite indexing model.

If the value is true, all catalog asset stores and the eSite stores under them use the CAS index model.

The following SQL can be used to enable CAS models for all stores:
UPDATE STORECONF SET VALUE='true' WHERE name = 'wc.search.CASIndexModel' AND STOREENT_ID = 0;

Changes to the index build REST API

For the eSite Store indexing model, the REST endpoint is
POST http://Ingest Server:Ingest Port/connectors/auth.reindex/run?storeId=eSite Store Id
Where eSite Store Id is the numerical ID of an eSite store (1 in the default configuration). If there are more than one eSite stores, you will run this service multiple times, once for each eSite store. For example:
POST http://myingestserver:30800/connectors/auth.reindex/run?storeId=1
The endpoint for the Asset Store indexing process is:
POST http://Ingest Server:Ingest Port/connectors/auth.reindex.cas/run?storeId=Catalog Asset Store Id
Where Catalog Asset Store Id is the numerical ID of a catalog asset store; for example, in the HCL Commerce sample catalogs, you can use 10501 for the Aurora B2B CAS, or 12001 for the Marketplace. This command instructs the system to build indexes for all eSite stores under this catalog asset store. There is only one logical flow to the indexing process regardless of the number of eSites, languages or catalogs. For example:
POST http://myingestserver:30800/connectors/auth.reindex.cas/run?storeId=10501

Checking indexing status

You can generate a report on the status of the indexing process using the following query:
GET http://Ingest Server:Ingest Port/connectors/auth.reindex.cas/runs/run id/status
For example:
GET http://myingestserver:30800/connectors/auth.reindex.cas/runs/i-abf9f449-21ce-4dc8-98b3-a6859da7718c/status