Troubleshooting: Standing up NiFi in Ubuntu
In the Ubuntu environment, when deploying NiFi it may fail to startup.
In the Ubuntu environment, when deploying NiFi it may fail to startup with the
ERROR - JVMDUMP039I Processing dump event "systhrow", detail "java/lang/OutOfMemoryError"
The Nifi container JVM setting is -XX:+UseContainerSupport
. This
means that if your application is running in a container that imposes a memory
limit, the VM allocates a larger fraction of memory to the Java heap.
In Ubuntu, this may result in a small JVM heap size allocated to the NiFi container,
which leads to this error. In the NIFI section under
add these parameters with the desired values.
For example:
Once the docker-compose configuration (yml) file under the NiFi section in the Ubuntu environment has been modified with the desired values, the error is not encountered.