Troubleshooting: Database migration check fails
During the migration of your HCL Commerce database, an error is
encountered when running the pre-migration check due to missing records suggesting an
association between a catalog group and a store in the STORECGRP table.
During the migration of your HCL Commerce database, an error is encountered when running the pre-migration check due to missing records suggesting an association between a catalog group and a store in the STORECGRP table.
For example, running the wcim_ant command in a manner similar to
./ -tier db -action check -from 80 -instanceName demo -isStaging true -defaultTablespace yes
Produces an error similar to the
wcim_ant check failed with error :
ERROR: [wcimDBCheckingTask] A catalog in the CATGROUP table that has catalog group ID 3074457345616729170 is not associated with any store. Please create a record in the STORECGRP table for this catalog.
ERROR: [wcimDBCheckingTask] A catalog in the CATGROUP table that has catalog group ID numeric_catgroupId is not associated with any store. Please create a record in the STORECGRP table for this catalog.
You must correct the association in the STORECGRP database table manually, ensuring that each error is addressed. Each catalog group ID must be assigned a corresponding record associating it with a store.