HCL Commerce Version or later

Troubleshooting: Database upgrade fails due to pre-existing msgtype_ID

After migrating or upgrading to a version of HCL Commerce or greater, the updatedb process can fail due to a pre-existing msgtype_ID of 10002.

This msgtype_ID is intended to be used by SellerOrderNotify within the marketplace functionality in HCL Commerce releases and greater.


After migrating or upgrading to a version of HCL Commerce or greater, the updatedb process can fail due to a pre-existing msgtype_ID of 10002.


  1. Update the bootstrap database schema file to use a different msgtype_ID value.
    1. Open schema/data/xml/9.1.11/wcs. for editing.
    2. Replace the following msgtype_ID value:
      <msgtypes msgtype_id="10002" msgtdir="1" name="SellerOrderNotify" viewname="SellerOrderNotifyView" description="Seller Order Notification Message" />
      <profile profile_id="-10001" store_id="0" devicefmt_id="-3" transport_id="1" msgtype_id="10002" usersview="N" lowpriority="0" highpriority="0" />
      <profnvstrg profnvstrg_id="13" profile_id="-10001" profileattname="subject_key" profileattvalue="_TXT_SELLER_ORDER_RECEIVED" />
      <msgtypes msgtype_id="-628" msgtdir="1" name="SellerOrderNotify" viewname="SellerOrderNotifyView" description="Seller Order Notification Message" />
      <profile profile_id="-10001" store_id="0" devicefmt_id="-3" transport_id="1" msgtype_id="-628" usersview="N" lowpriority="0" highpriority="0" />
      <profnvstrg profnvstrg_id="13" profile_id="-10001" profileattname="subject_key" profileattvalue="_TXT_SELLER_ORDER_RECEIVED" />
    3. Save and close the file.
  2. Apply this patch to the Order-OrderCaptureLogic module. This patch specifically modifies the OrderNotifyCmdImpl and OrderPaymentSynchronizeCmdImpl classes.
The updatedb process will now complete as expected.