Troubleshooting: Adding a product to a wishlist
After migrating from WebSphere Commerce Version 7 to HCL Commerce Version 9.0 or HCL Commerce Version 9.1, wishlist functionality does not function as expected.
Registered users cannot add products to a wishlist on a storefront environment that was migrated from WebSphere Commerce Version 7 to HCL Commerce Version 9.0 or HCL Commerce Version 9.1.
Modify the following files to correct this issue.
- Open the workspace/Stores_v7/WebContent/AuroraStorefrontAssetStore/javascript/Widgets/ShoppingList/ShoppingList.js javascript file for editing.
- Locate the following method,
this.redirectToSignOn = function ()
:this.redirectToSignOn = function() { var href = document.location.href; var index = href.lastIndexOf("s", 4); if (index != -1){ var newHref = href; }else{ // Loaded with HTTP var newHref = href.substring(0,4) + "s" + (href.substring(4)); } if (newHref.indexOf("?") > -1){ var reloadURL = newHref + "&"; }else{ var reloadURL = newHref + "?"; } dojo.cookie("WC_DisplaySignInPanel_"+WCParamJS.storeId, "true" , {path:'/'}); var currentURL = location.href; if(true==isGuest){ currentURL = getAbsoluteURL() + "RESTMoveOrderItem?continue=1&createIfEmpty=1&updatePrices=0&deleteIfEmpty=*&fromOrderId=*&toOrderId=.&page=&calculationUsageId=-1&URL="+encodeURIComponent("RESTOrderCalculate?URL="+encodeURIComponent(currentURL)); } document.location.href = reloadURL + "myAcctMain=1&storeId=" + this.storeParams.storeId + "&catalogId=" + this.storeParams.catalogId + "&langId=" + this.storeParams.langId + "&URL=" + encodeURIComponent(currentURL);
- Replace this method with the
this.redirectToSignOn = function() { // 3 scenario's are possible /* * Scenario 1 - Current Page Loaded with HTTP * In this case, the page will be reloaded with HTTPS and globalLogIn panel is opened up. * GlobalLoginJS.updateGlobalLoginSignInContent does this work and uses WC_RedirectToPage_xxx cookie to * identify the page to display after logIn. * Scenario 2 - Current page is loaded with HTTPS and signIn panel is already loaded. * In this case, before displayiong signIn panel, update the URL field value of the signIn panel form. * Scenario 3 - Current page is laoded with HTTPS, but signIn panel is NOT yet loaded. * Ajax call is made to load the panel. Send reload URL as part of the ajax call, based on WC_RedirectToPage_xxx cookie value. */ var currentURL = document.location.href; var widgetId = 'Header_GlobalLogin'; // This widgetId is defined in Header_UI.jspf / GlobalLoginActions.js / UserTimeoutView.jsp dojo.cookie("WC_RedirectToPage_"+WCParamJS.storeId, currentURL , {path:'/'}); GlobalLoginJS.InitHTTPSecure(widgetId); };
- Save and close the file.
- Open the workspace/Stores_v7/WebContent/Widgets_701/Common/ShoppingList/ShoppingList_UI.jspf Java server page fragment file for editing.
- Locate the following block of code:
<div role="menuitem" id="<c:out value="${param.parentPage}"/>ShoppingList_0" class="created_list" onfocus="javascript:shoppingListJS<c:out value="${param.parentPage}"/>.focusList(0);" onblur="javascript: this.className = 'created_list';" onclick="shoppingListJS<c:out value="${param.parentPage}"/>.redirectToSignOn();"> <a class="tlignore" id="<c:out value="${param.parentPage}"/>ShoppingListLink_0" href="javascript:shoppingListJS<c:out value="${param.parentPage}"/>.redirectToSignOn();" onfocus="javascript:shoppingListJS<c:out value="${param.parentPage}"/>.focusListLink(0);" role="menuitem" title="<fmt:message key='SL_SIGN_IN_OR_REGISTER_TO_ACCESS_LIST' bundle='${widgetText}' />"><fmt:message key="SL_SIGN_IN_OR_REGISTER" bundle="${widgetText}" /></a> </div>
- Replace it with the following:
<div role="menuitem" id="<c:out value="${param.parentPage}"/>ShoppingList_0" class="created_list" onfocus="javascript:shoppingListJS<c:out value="${param.parentPage}"/>.focusList(0);" onblur="javascript: this.className = 'created_list';"> <a class="tlignore" id="<c:out value="${param.parentPage}"/>ShoppingListLink_0" onClick="javascript:shoppingListJS<c:out value="${param.parentPage}"/>.redirectToSignOn();" onfocus="javascript:shoppingListJS<c:out value="${param.parentPage}"/>.focusListLink(0);" role="menuitem" title="<fmt:message key='SL_SIGN_IN_OR_REGISTER_TO_ACCESS_LIST' bundle='${widgetText}' />"><fmt:message key="SL_SIGN_IN_OR_REGISTER" bundle="${widgetText}" /></a> </div>
- Save and close the file.
- Open the workspace/Stores_v7/WebContent/Widgets_701/ javascript file for editing.
- Locate the method
:displayPanel:function(widgetId){ //check if the sign in panel is loaded. if loaded, toggle the dropdown. Else, trigger a refresh. var domAttr = require("dojo/dom-attr"); var widgetNode = dojo.byId(widgetId); if(widgetNode != null){ var panelLoaded = domAttr.get(widgetId, "panel-loaded"); if(panelLoaded != null && panelLoaded){ this.togglePanel(widgetNode); } else { if(!submitRequest()){ return; } cursor_wait(); wc.render.updateContext("GlobalLogin_context",{"displayContract":"false", "widgetId" : widgetId}); } } },
- Replace the method with the
displayPanel:function(widgetId){ var redirectToPageName = dojo.cookie("WC_RedirectToPage_" + WCParamJS.storeId); //check if the sign in panel is loaded. if loaded, toggle the dropdown. Else, trigger a refresh. var domAttr = require("dojo/dom-attr"); var widgetNode = dojo.byId(widgetId); if (widgetNode != null) { var panelLoaded = domAttr.get(widgetId, "panel-loaded"); if (panelLoaded != null && panelLoaded) { // Change the URL to display after successfull logOn. if (redirectToPageName != null && typeof redirectToPageName != "undefined") { var globalLogInForm = document.getElementById(widgetId + "_GlobalLogon"); if (globalLogInForm != null && typeof globalLogInForm != "undefined") { globalLogInForm.URL.value = redirectToPageName; dojo.cookie("WC_RedirectToPage_" + WCParamJS.storeId, null, {expires: -1, path: "/"}); } } this.togglePanel(widgetNode); } else if (typeof isOnPasswordUpdateForm === "undefined" || isOnPasswordUpdateForm == false) { if (!submitRequest()) { return; } cursor_wait(); wc.render.updateContext("GlobalLogin_context", { displayContract: "false", widgetId: widgetId, redirectToPageName: redirectToPageName }); } } },
- Save and close the file.
- Open the workspace/Stores_v7/WebContent/Widgets_701/ javascript file for editing.
- Locate the first instance line of the
- Replace the line with following:
- Save and close the file.
- Open the workspace/Stores_v7/WebContent/Widgets_701/Common/ShoppingList/ShoppingList_Data.jspf Java server page fragment file for editing.
Locate the following block of code:
<c:set var="search01" value="'"/> <c:set var="search02" value='"'/> <c:set var="replaceStr01" value="\\\\'"/> <c:set var="replaceStr02" value='\\\\"'/> <c:set var="escapedSingleQuote" value="\\\\'"/>
- Replace it with following block of
<c:set var="search01" value="'"/> <c:set var="search02" value='"'/> <c:set var="replaceStr01" value="\\\\'"/> <c:set var="replaceStr02" value='\\\\"'/> <c:set var="replaceStr001" value="'"/> <c:set var="escapedSingleQuote" value="\\\\'"/>
- Locate the following line of
<c:set var="catEntryParams" value="{id: '${uniqueID}', name: '${fn:replace(, search01, replaceStr01)}', image: '${fn:replace(shoppingListImage, search01, replaceStr01)}', type: '${type}', components: {${componentItems}}, skus: [${skus}]}"/>
- Replace the line with following
<c:set var="catEntryParams" value="{id: '${uniqueID}', name: '${fn:replace(, search01, replaceStr001)}', image: '${fn:replace(shoppingListImage, search01, replaceStr01)}', type: '${type}', components: {${componentItems}}, skus: [${skus}]}"/>
- Save and close the file.
- Restart the Transaction server.