Verifying a payment account number
If you are using tokenization in your payment system you can verify payment account numbers with a simple update to your payment policy database table.
For more information about the payment tables, see Payment, refund, and return payment business policies.
Update the Properties column of the POLICY database table as
select * from policy where policyname = 'VISA'; --11009
Add "verification=true" in the properties column with the same policy ID (for
example, 11009 in the above example).
The endpoint for the REST API version of this call isattrPageName=StandardVisa&paymentConfigurationId=default& display=true&compatibleMode=false&tokenization=true&verification=true
For more information, see the Cart Swagger specification.POST cart/@self/payment_instruction
Add payment instructions that call the Store or REST APIs. For example, the
effective REST call is: