Deploying updated Docker images with Kubernetes

Updates for HCL Commerce production environments are delivered as Docker images. To update your production environment, download the new images, and rebuild them as custom images to include your custom code. You then deploy the custom containers.

Before you begin


  1. Download the latest version of the hcl-commerce-vaultconsul-helmchart and hcl-commerce-helmchart from the HCL License and Delivery portal.
  2. Update your deployment configuration values.
    1. Review the provided versions of the Vault values.yaml, and HCL Commerce values.yaml configuration files for changes or additions.
    2. Update your custom configuration files based on any recommended changes or additions, in order to conform with the updated deployments.
  3. Update your development Vault deployment.
    Run the following command to update your Vault deployment with an updated Helm Chart, or configuration values:
    helm upgrade vault-consul ./hcl-commerce-vaultconsul -f my-values.yaml -n vault

    For more information, see Deploying a development Vault for HCL Commerce on Kubernetes.

  4. Update your HCL Commerce deployment.
    Run the following command to update your HCL Commerce deployment with an updated Helm Chart, or configuration values:
    helm upgrade release-name hcl-commerce-helmchart -f my-values.yaml --set common.environmentType=environmentType -n commerce

    For more information, see Deploying HCL Commerce on a Kubernetes cluster.

  5. Verify the deployment.
    Ensure that all pods are using the updated Docker images, and that they are displaying a healthy status.
  6. Build your search index on the updated environment.


Your Kubernetes based deployment has been updated to use the latest version of the provided Helm Charts, values, and Docker images.