HCL Commerce Version or later

Setting up the HCL Commerce Developer Next.js Store environment

Refer to Downloading the HCL Commerce Next.js Store SDK for instructions on how to download the Next.js Store SDK.


  1. Obtain the Next.js Store SDK.
  2. Clone the project in Git from the Git bundle.
    Run the following command:
    git clone -c core.longpaths=true bundleName projectName
    The filename of the bundle you are cloning.
    The name of the git project that you are creating.
    Note: On the windows platform, if you do not specify the configuration name and value core.longpaths=true, you may encounter the following error when you run the git clone command: Unable to create file <filename>: Filename too long.
    For example:
    git clone -c core.longpaths=true HCL_Commerce_NextJS_Store_9.1.13.0.bundle HCL_Commerce_NextJS_Store 

    For more information, see the README.md file contained in the project root directory.


The Next.js Store SDK is installed and configured.

What to do next

Ensure you add the code into your source control management system so that your work can be collaborated on and safely persisted.