Enabling side-by-side integration

Enable side-by-side integration by creating and sharing the required directories for the integration.


  1. Create and share the following directories on the Transaction server:
    • /data/SCWC/CSV_DIR/copyFrom
    • /data/SCWC/CSV_DIR/copied
    • /data/SCWC/CSV_DIR/logs
  2. Mount the /data/SCWC/CSV_DIR/copyFrom directory to the CSV directory that is located on the Sterling Order Management server and specified by the yfs.scwc.sdf.csv.dir property in the Sterling Order Management customer_overrides.properties file. For more information about the yfs.scwc.sdf.csv.dir property, see Defining integration properties in Sterling Order Management.
    Note: The copyFrom directory where the Sterling Order Management service writes data must be accessible from HCL Commerce.
    For the HCL Commerce Transaction server, add a volume mount for /data/SCWC/CSV_DIR/copyFrom when starting the Docker container.