Preparing a Docker host server to launch Utility server Docker container
The Utility server Docker container contains a tool that you can use to set up the HCL Commerce database schema and initialize the database. It is recommended that you prepare a dedicated server where you can run the Utility server Docker container and initialize all new databases.
So whenever one of your developers needs to set up a new database, the container can be used to create and initialize the database with the HCL Commerce database schema.
Install Docker.
Pull the Utility Docker image from your organization's private Docker registry.
You only need to pull the Utility Docker image for now because it contains scripts that you use to prepare and configure your database. Since the other Docker images total over 6 GB in size, it is quicker to pull this one image only.For example,
docker pull Docker_registry/commerce/ts-utils:tag
Start the container.
For example,
docker run -e LICENSE=accept --name utils docker_image