Adding and modifying price lists and price policies
You can add additional price lists, if you require multiple price lists to
support cost and list prices. If your store uses Management Center to create and manage
price lists, this topic is not applicable. Instead, see Managing price lists. You can set
adjustments to price list prices using price rules. See Managing price rules.
Create the price list. The price list is also known as a trading position container. To create
the new price list:
Modify an existing price policy. Run an SQL statement similar to the following example:
update policy set properties ='name=AdvancedB2BDirect&orgentity_dn=ou=b2b, o=seller organization,o=root organization&type=LIST' where policy_id = policyID
Create a new price policy. Run an SQL statement similar to the following example:
insert into policy (policy_id, policyname, policytype_id, storeent_id, properties) values (-1, 'Cost Price List', 'Price', 10601, 'name=Cost Price List&orgentity_dn=ou=b2b,o=seller organization,o=root organization&type=COST' ) insert into policycmd (policy_id, businesscmdclass) values (-1, 'com.ibm.commerce.price.commands.RetrievePricesCmdImpl') insert into policydesc (policy_id, language_id, description) values (-1, -1, 'Cost Price List')
Update prices.
- You can set adjustments to the prices using the Catalog Filter. If you need to change any prices you must use the loading utilities.
- Refresh the Business Policy Price List registry component. See Updating registry components.