Sample: Loading detailed information items on expected inventory records
This sample demonstrates how to load detailed information items on expected inventory
records. This scenario assumes that the expected inventory records have been loaded into the RA
Before you begin
This sample depends on data loaded in Sample: Loading general information about inventory expected from vendors. If you want to add more records in radetail.csv, first add records with the same VendorName and CreateTime in the above example's ra.csv file.
On a command line, go to the WCDE_installdir\bin directory.
Open a command line in the . Change the directory to utilities_root/bin directory. For information about entering and leaving containers, see Running utilities from the Utility server Docker container.
- Enter the following command:
./ ../samples/DataLoad/Inventory/RADetail/wc-dataload.xml
dataload ..\samples\DataLoad\Inventory\RADetail\wc-dataload.xml
Verifying the results
Run the following
SQL statements:
select * from RADETAIL where RADETAIL_ID >= $startKey and RADETAIL_ID < $endKey;
$startKey and $endKey are set in samples\DataLoad\Inventory\RADetail\wc-dataload.XML For
example, select * from RADETAIL where RADETAIL_ID >= 100000001
and RADETAIL_ID < 200000000;
Cleaning up the data
To clean up the data
loaded in the database, run the following SQL statement:
delete from RADETAIL where RADETAIL_ID >= $startKey and RADETAIL_ID < $endKey;