Replicating WebSphere Commerce Search with the repeater
The repeater is set up after all the search clusters in both Staging environment and
Production environment are already configured.
In the Production environment, set up the repeater:
In the production environment, set up all the subordinate search servers to point to the
- For each of the subordinate search servers in production, modify each of their solrconfig.xml files to enable the predefined section 1. The section is designed for use with subordinate search servers in production.
- Update the master URL in the solrconfig.xml file to point to the corresponding Solr core in the repeater.
- Update the SRCHCONF table to point to the host name of the repeater. Preprocessing for emergency fixes is now applied in the production system and reindexing through the repeater.
If index builds are needed in the production environment, such as making emergency fixes with
Quick Publish:
For each of the master search servers in Staging, modify the
solrconfig.xml to enable the predefined section 3 in the
solrconfig.xml file.
Note: In the next topic, the configSearchReplication utility helps automate this step by configuring the utility to update the solrconfig.xml file in multiple locations.