The Order Status Update message includes the ORDER_STATUS_UPDATE_ITM010_DATA segment. This data segment consists of item or product shipping specifications for the Order Status message.
The Order Status Update message supports two sets of application data: Order Status Update version 01 and Order Status Update version 02. Version 02 includes a superset of the data within version 01. Specifically, the ORDER_STATUS_UPDATE_ITM010_DATA segment for version 01 contains a value of 01 for the field NC_HDR010VersionNumber; whereas version 02 contains a value of 02 for NC_HDR010VersionNumber. In addition, Versions 02 also contains some additional fields not within version 01.
The format and the source of the fields for ORDER_STATUS_UPDATE_ITM010_DATA for version 02 are described in the following table. For field lengths, use the table below. For a description of a database column, follow the link to its associated table.
Field Name | Field Type | Table Name | Column Name | Note |
NC_ITM010 VersionNumber | CHAR (2) | N/A | N/A (fixed value of 02) | N/A |
NC_Order RefNumber | CHAR (10) | ORDISTAT | ORDERS_ID | WebSphere Commerce order reference number. |
NC_Merchant OrderNumber | CHAR (30) | ORDISTAT | OSMORDER | Merchant's order reference number. |
NC_Item RefNumber | CHAR (10) | ORDISTAT | ORDERITMES_ID | WebSphere Commerce item reference number. |
NC_ItemMerchant RefNumber | CHAR (30) | ORDISTAT | OIMITEM | Merchant item reference number. |
NC_Order ItemStatus | CHAR (32) | ORDISTAT | OISTATUS | Order item status. |
NC_Item Schedule ShipDate | CHAR (8) | ORDISTAT | OISSTIME | Scheduled shipping date, in the format YYYYMMDD. |
NC_Item ActualShipDate | CHAR (8) | ORDISTAT | OIASTIME | Actual shipping date, in the format YYYYMMDD. |
NC_Item PlaceDate | CHAR (8) | ORDISTAT | OIPLTIME | Placing date, in the format YYYYMMDD. |
NC_Item Quantity | CHAR (10) | ORDISTAT | OIQTCONFIRM | Quantity of items ordered. |
NC_Item CurrencyType | CHAR (10) | ORDISTAT | OICPCUR | Currency in which the price of the item is expressed. The format of the price must adhere to ISO 4217 standards. |
NC_Item UnitPrice | CHAR (16) | ORDISTAT | OIPRTOT | Unit price for the item. |
NC_Item TotalPrice | CHAR (16) | ORDISTAT | OITOTPRC | Total price for the item. |
NC_Item TotalTaxPrice | CHAR (16) | ORDISTAT | OITXTOT | Total sales price for the item. |
NC_ItemTotal ShippingPrice | CHAR (16) | ORDISTAT | OISHTOT | Total shipping price for the item. |
NC_ItemTotal TaxShippingPrice | CHAR (16) | ORDISTAT | OISHTXTOT | Total tax on the shipping price for the item. |
NC_Item Comment | CHAR (250) | ORDISTAT | OICMNT | Comments from the customer regarding the item ordered. For example, a customer can include a greeting message with the ordered gift. |
The format and the source of the fields for ORDER_STATUS_UPDATE_ITM010_DATA for version 01 are described in the following table:
Field Name | Field Type | Table Name | Column Name | Description |
NC_ITM010 VersionNumber | CHAR (2) | N/A | N/A | Fixed value of 01. |
NC_Order RefNumber | CHAR (10) | ORDISTAT | ORDERS_ID | WebSphere Commerce order reference number. |
NC_Item RefNumber | CHAR (10) | ORDISTAT | ORDERITMES_ID | WebSphere Commerce item reference number. |
NC_Order ItemStatus | CHAR (32) | ORDISTAT | OISTATUS | Order item status. |
NC_Item Schedule ShipDate | CHAR (8) | ORDISTAT | OISSTIME | Scheduled shipping date, in the format YYYYMMDD. |
NC_Item ActualShipDate | CHAR (8) | ORDISTAT | OIASTIME | Actual shipping date, in the format YYYYMMDD. |
NC_Item PlaceDate | CHAR (8) | ORDISTAT | OIPLTIME | Placing date, in the format YYYYMMDD. |
NC_Item Quantity | CHAR (10) | ORDISTAT | OIQTCONFIRM | Quantity of items ordered. |
NC_Item Comment | CHAR (250) | ORDISTAT | OICMNT | Comments from the customer regarding the item ordered. For example, a customer can include a greeting message with the ordered gift. |