The Order Create message includes the ORDER_CREATE_HDR010_DATA segment. This data segment consists of order specifications for the Order Create message.

The format and the source of the fields for ORDER_CREATE_HDR010_DATA are described in the following table. For a description of the database column, follow the link to its associated table.

Field Name Field Type Table Name Column Name Description
NC_HDR010 Version Number CHAR (2) N/A N/A Fixed value of 01.
NC_Order RefNumber CHAR (10) ORDERS ORDERS_ID Unique order reference number, internally generated. This is a primary key.
NC_Order Date CHAR (8) ORDERS TIMEPLACED Date the order was placed, in the format YYYYMMDD.
NC_Order Time CHAR (6) ORDERS TIMEPLACED Time the order was placed, in the format HHMMSS.
NC_Currency Type CHAR (10) ORDERS CURRENCY Currency in which the price is expressed. The format of the currency must adhere to ISO 4217 standards.
NC_Total Price CHAR (16) ORDERS TOTALPRODUCT Total product price for the order.
NC_Total TaxPrice CHAR (16) ORDERS TOTALTAX Total sales tax for the order.
NC_Total ShippingPrice CHAR (16) ORDERS TOTALSHIPPING Total shipping charges for the order.
NC_Total TaxShipping Price CHAR (16) ORDERS TOTALTAXSHIPPING Total tax on shipping charges for the order.
NC_Shopper RefNumber CHAR (10) ORDERS MEMBER_ID Shopper reference number.
NC_Merchant RefNumber CHAR (10) ORDERS STOREENT_ID Merchant reference number.
NC_Merchant OrderNumber CHAR (30) ORDERS ORMORDER Unique order reference number generated by the merchant
NC_BillTo RefNumber CHAR (10) ORDERS ADDRESS_ID Billing address reference number.
NC_Order CustField1 CHAR (10) ORDERS FIELD1 Reserved for merchant customization.
NC_Order CustField2 CHAR (16) ORDERS FIELD2 Reserved for merchant customization.
NC_Order CustField3 CHAR (254) ORDERS FIELD3 Reserved for merchant customization.