The Customer New message includes the CUSTOMER_NEW_HDR010_DATA segment. This data segment consists of customer information for new customers for the Customer New message.

The format and the source of the fields for CUSTOMER_NEW_HDR010_DATA are described in the following table. For field lengths, use the table below. For a description of a database column, follow the link to its associated table.

Field Name Field Type Table Name Column Name Note
NC_HDR010 Version Number CHAR (2) N/A N/A Fixed value of 01.
NC_LoginID CHAR (31) USERREG LOGONID Registered customer's unique logon ID.
NC_Password CHAR (12) USERREG LOGONPASSWORD Registered customer's encrypted logon password.
NC_Verify Password CHAR (12) N/A N/A Verification of the registered customer's encrypted logon password. To process the message, the value in this field should be the same as the data in NC_Password.
NC_Merchant RefNumber CHAR (10) N/A N/A N/A
NC_Method Comm CHAR (2) USERPROF PREFERREDCOMM Customer's preferred method of communication: E1 - E-mail or URL address 1 E2 - E-mail or URL address 2 P1 - Phone number 1 P2 - Phone number 2
NC_Challenge Ques CHAR (250) USERREG CHALLENGEQUESTION Challenge question for verbal confirmation of the customer's identity.
NC_Challenge Ans CHAR (250) USERREG CHALLENGEANSWER Answer to the challenge question.
NC_Shopper Field1 CHAR (254) USERS FIELD1 Reserved for merchant customization.
NC_Shopper Field2 CHAR (254) USERS FIELD2 Reserved for merchant customization.
NC_Title CHAR (5) ADDRESS PERSONTITLE Customers's title: Dr Mr Mrs Ms N - Not provided (default)
NC_Last Name CHAR (30) ADDRESS LASTNAME Customer's last name.
NC_First Name CHAR (30) ADDRESS FIRSTNAME Customer's first name.
NC_Middle Name CHAR (30) ADDRESS MIDDLENAME Customer's middle name.
NC_Rep Company CHAR (80) ADDRESS ORGNAME Company that the customer represents.
NC_Phone1 CHAR (30) ADDRESS PHONE1 Customer's primary phone number.
NC_Phone2 CHAR (30) ADDRESS PHONE2 Customer's secondary phone number.
NC_Fax CHAR (30) ADDRESS FAX1 Customer's facsimile number.
NC_Addr1 CHAR (50) ADDRESS ADDRESS1 Customer's address line 1.
NC_Addr2 CHAR (50) ADDRESS ADDRESS2 Customer's address line 2.
NC_Addr3 CHAR (50) ADDRESS ADDRESS3 Customer's address line 3.
NC_City CHAR (30) ADDRESS CITY Customer's city name.
NC_State CHAR (20) ADDRESS STATE Customer's state, province, or equivalent, abbreviated.
NC_Country CHAR (30) ADDRESS COUNTRY Customer's country/region name.
NC_ZipCode CHAR (20) ADDRESS ZIPCODE Customer's zip code or equivalent.
NC_Email1 CHAR (254) ADDRESS EMAIL1 Customer's primary e-mail or URL address.
NC_Email2 CHAR (254) ADDRESS EMAIL2 Customer's secondary e-mail or URL address.
NC_Day PhoneType CHAR (3) ADDRESS PHONE1TYPE Type of daytime phone, such as TTY for a teletypewriter for people who have a hearing impairment, or PHN for a standard telephone.
NC_Day PhoneList CHAR (1) ADDRESS PUBLISHPHONE1 1 - Daytime phone number is listed. 0 - Daytime phone number is unlisted.
NC_Evening PhoneType CHAR (3) ADDRESS PHONE2TYPE Type of evening phone, such as TTY for a teletypewriter for people who have a hearing impairment, or PHN for a standard telephone.
NC_Evening PhoneList CHAR (1) ADDRESS PUBLISHPHONE2 1 - Evening phone number is listed. 0 - Evening phone number is unlisted.
NC_BestTime ToCall CHAR (1) ADDRESS BESTCALLINGTIME Best time to call indicator: D - Daytime E - Evening
NC_Package Insert CHAR (1) ADDRESS PACKAGESUPPRESSION Package inserts suppression flag, which indicates the customer's preference for including package inserts in orders shipped. 1 - Include 0 - Do not include
NC_Address OptField1 CHAR (3) ADDRESS FIELD1 Reserved for merchant customization.
NC_Address OptField2 CHAR (1) ADDRESS FIELD2 Reserved for merchant customization.
NC_Shopper Gender CHAR (1) USERDEMO GENDER Customer's gender: F - Female M - Male N - Not provided (default)
NC_Shopper Age CHAR (10) USERDEMO AGE Customer's age: 0 - Not provided (default) 1 - 0-9 years 2 - 10-19 years 3 - 20-29 years 4 - 30-39 years 5 - 40-49 years 6 - 50-59 years 7 - 60 years or older
NC_Shopper Income CHAR (10) USERDEMO INCOME Customer's annual income: 0 - Not provided (default) 1 - $0 - $19,999 2 - $20,000 - $39,999 3 - $40,000 - $59,999 4 - $60,000 or more
NC_Marital Status CHAR (1) USERDEMO MARITALSTATUS Customer's marital status: S - Single M - Married C - Common Law P - Separated D - Divorced W - Widowed 0 - Other N - Not Provided
NC_Number OfChildren CHAR (10) USERDEMO CHILDREN Number of children. Default is 0.
NC_Number InHouse CHAR (10) USERDEMO HOUSEHOLD Number of people in the customer's household. Default is 1.
NC_Shopper Company CHAR (30) USERDEMO COMPANYNAME The company for which the customer works.
NC_Shopper Interest CHAR (254) USERDEMO HOBBIES The customer's main interests and hobbies.
NC_Previous OrderFlag CHAR (1) USERDEMO ORDERBEFORE Indicator of whether the customer has previously placed an order.
NC_Demog Field1 CHAR (1) USERDEMO FIELD1 Reserved for merchant customization.
NC_Demog Field2 CHAR (1) USERDEMO FIELD2 Reserved for merchant customization.
NC_Demog Field3 CHAR (1) USERDEMO FIELD3 Reserved for merchant customization.
NC_Demog Field4 CHAR (1) USERDEMO FIELD4 Reserved for merchant customization.
NC_Demog Field5 CHAR (254) USERDEMO FIELD5 Reserved for merchant customization.
NC_Demog Field6 CHAR (10) USERDEMO FIELD6 Reserved for merchant customization.