WebSphere Commerce installation logs
Reviewing log files after the installation of WebSphere Commerce completes is a recommended step. The log files show any problems that you might encounter during the installation.
Complete the following steps:
Review these log files to ensure that all components of WebSphere Commerce are installed
- WC_installdir/logs/install.log
Check for the message: WebSphere Commerce installation complete.
For multiple installation attempts, the log is appended in the existing install.log file.
- WC_installdir/logs/wctrace_date_time.log
The log file is intended for use by IBM support. Examining this file might not provide you with any useful information. The Installation wizard creates this log file for every installation or uninstall action.
- WC_installdir/logs/wcinstall.log
The wcinstall.log file is created only if errors or warnings are encountered during the installation process.
Note: You might receive a number of warnings that relate to the invalid size of file entries in the wcinstall.log. These warnings can be safely ignored. For example:
Setup.product.install, com.ibm.wizard.platform.aix.AixProductServiceImpl, wrn, - WARNING: Got invalid size of 0 for file: /usr/IBM/WebSphere /CommerceServer80/schema/xml/wcs.bootstrap_adv_base.xml
Setup.product.install, com.installshield.wizard.StandardWizardListener, err, could not initialize interface swing
- The following log files contain messages that are generated by the WebSphere Commerce Installation wizard.For multiple installation attempts, the log is appended in the existing install.log file.
Installation type Default log file location GUI-based remote installation - /InstallLogs/install.log
- /WC_installdir/logs/wcinstall.log
- /WC_installdir/logs/wctrace_timestamp.log
Remote silent installation - /InstallLogs/install.log
- /tmp/InstallShield/wcinstall.log
- /tmp/InstallShield/wctrace_timestamp.log
Local silent installation - /tmp/InstallShield/install.log
- /tmp/InstallShield/wcinstall.log
- /tmp/InstallShield/wctrace_timestamp.log
Depending on the components of WebSphere Commerce that are installed, the following messages might appear at the end of the install.log file:CMN7704S: IBM WebSphere Commerce Installer has successfully copied file from /QIBM/ProdData/CommerceServer80/bin/config_env.sh to /QIBM/ProdData/CommerceServer80/bin/config_env.db2.sh CMN7720S: IBM WebSphere Commerce Installer internal Generic Catch Warning caught: Command ended normally with exit status 0. /QIBM/ProdData/CommerceServer80/bin/iSeriesFileAuth.sh CWXAI7779S: IBM WebSphere Commerce Installer has successfully modified the Configuration Manager user password. CMN7753S: WebSphere Commerce installation complete.
- WC_installdir/logs/install.log
If the installation of WebSphere Commerce fails, then review the following
Search for log files in the /tmp directory.
Search for log files in the directory that is defined by the
environment variable. The default value for the%tmp%
environment variable is drive:Documents and Settings\user_ID\Local Settings\Temp\. This directory is hidden by default. You might need to change your folder options to see this directory.The file wcinstall.log is created if an error occurs during installation. You can also review error messages that are in the wctrace_timestamp.log file, however the wcinstall.log file is more commonly used when you troubleshoot with product support.
Note: During instance creation, other log files are created. See Verifying instance creation