Installing the Configuration Manager client
In some cases, you must install the Remote WebSphere Commerce Management Utilities before you create or modify a WebSphere Commerce instance with Configuration Manager.
You need to install the Configuration Manager client only if you want to use the Configuration Manager GUI and you want to run the client on a separate machine. Usually, users run the client on the WebSphere Commerce server machine, since that is where Configuration Manager is installed. If you choose to use a different host, then you need to complete the following procedure to install the client. After you install the Configuration Manager client, you must verify the remote client level Verifying the remote Configuration Manager client level. If you want to create the instance silently instead of using the Configuration Manager GUI, you do not need to install the Configuration Manager client.
Ensure that the machine that you are using to install the Remote WebSphere Commerce Management Utilities code has 150 MB of free space on the target drive. You begin the installation by using the WebSphere Commerce DVD. At some point, you are prompted to insert the WebSphere Application Server DVD to copy the migration utilities. Then, you are prompted to reinsert the WebSphere Commerce DVD to continue the installation.
Launch the Installation Wizard.
From a command prompt, enter:
Linux on System x: mount_point/setup_linux
Linux on Power Systems: mount_point/setup_ppclinux
Where mount_point is the DVD-ROM mount point, such as /mnt/dvdrom0.
From a command prompt, enter
- drive:\setup.exe
Where drive is the drive letter of the DVD-ROM that contains the WebSphere Commerce DVD.
Select the language and click OK to continue.
The Welcome screen is displayed. Click Next.
Read the license agreement. If you accept the terms of the agreement, select that you accept
the terms and click Next.
Note: The Installation prerequisite warning screen might display. Review the information about the screen.
- If a memory size warning is reported, click Next to continue.
- A warning message might display to indicate that a previous version of WebSphere Commerce is installed. Click Yes to proceed with the installation. Click No to cancel.
- Select Remote WebSphere Commerce Management Utilities and click Next.
You can choose to select the default destination path or select Browse
for another destination path. If you specify a new directory, the Installation wizard creates the directory for you.
After you select your destination path, click Next to continue.
Note: The directory where the Configuration Manager Client code is installed is denoted by WC_rmtMgt_installdir.
- If you want to create a WebSphere Commerce response file that is based on your installation options, select the Create a response file check box and specify a filename and location. Select Next.
Confirm your installation choices.
To start the installation, click Next.
To modify your choices, click Back.
After you click Next, the installation begins. The window displays the progression of the installation.
- Insert the WebSphere Application Server DVDs as prompted and, if needed, enter the location of the DVDs.
- On the Installation Complete panel, click Finish. The installation is complete and the wizard closes.
What to do next
- WC_rmtMgt_installdir
- The installation directory for the Remote WebSphere Commerce Management Utilities.