Non-ATP inventory information model

Non-ATP inventory consists of inventory operations, which include check, allocation, and reverse operations that are only based on existing on-hand inventory.

The following diagram illustrates the WebSphere Commerce non-ATP inventory assets:

non-ATP inventory
Inventory is associated with one fulfillment center and one store. A store can designate one default fulfillment center. Fulfillment centers are owned by members.
Products and items are catalog entries. Catalog entries are associated with store entities, meaning catalog entries, such as products and items, are found in stores.
Inventory contains a quantity amount that represents the inventory for a particular catalog entry. The catalog entry is available to be shipped from a fulfillment center on behalf of a Store.
Store entity
A store entity is an abstract superclass that can represent either a store or a store group. A store entity has one owner (a member).
A store is a store entity. A store must belong to a store group.
A person, group, or organization that is known to the system. A member can be a user, an organization, an organization unit, or a member group. A member can act as a customer or an administrator, or can own entities. A member must first become a member of the marketplace before the member can become a user.