Opening the Organization Administration Console

The Organization Administration Console allows you, and the buyer's administrators to control the organizations that access your site or store. Tasks that you are authorized to perform in your role are displayed on the Organization Administration Console home page menus. These tasks are based on user roles and authority levels, which are defined in XML files on your WebSphere Commerce system and are assigned by the Site Administrator by using the Administration Console. To return to the Organization Administration Console home page, click the Home link at the top right of the screen.


Many administrative functions in WebSphere Commerce Version 8.0 are impacted by browser limitations imposed by legacy WebSphere Commerce administration tools.

The affected tools include:
  • WebSphere Commerce Organization Administration Console
  • WebSphere Commerce Administration Console
  • WebSphere Commerce Accelerator
  • You cannot access these tools on Apple macOS.
  • These tools incur restrictive end-user browser limitations, requiring one of the following:
    • A Microsoft Windows operating system and the Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser configured for compatibility mode;
    • Google Chrome with a third-party extension, IE Tab, designed to emulate legacy Microsoft Internet Explorer behavior;
    • Microsoft Edge with a third-party extension, IE Tab, designed to emulate legacy Microsoft Internet Explorer behavior.

Before you begin

On the workstation where you are using the Organization Administration Console, set up the display:

  • Set the screen area to a minimum of 1024 x 768 pixels.
  • Set the color depth to a minimum of 256 colors.

Also, disable or remove any pop-up blocking software. Pop-up blocking software prevents the display of the Organization Administration Console.


  1. Start the Organization Administration Console:
    • LinuxAIXWindowsAccess the following Web address in your browser:
      https://  host_name :8004/orgadminconsole 
      where host_name is the fully-qualified WebSphere Commerce Web server host name. The host name may be a virtual host name on the Web server.
    • WebSphere Commerce Developer
      1. Ensure you have started WebSphere Commerce within WebSphere Commerce development environment.
      2. Access the following Web address in your browser:
        https://  host_name /webapp/wcs/orgadmin/servlet/ToolsLogon?XMLFile=buyerconsole.BuyAdminConsoleLogon
        where host_name is the fully-qualified WebSphere Commerce development environment Web server host name. The host name may be a virtual host name on the Web server.
  2. Log onto the Organization Administration Console as follows:
    1. From the Logon page, type your Organization Administration Console logon user name and password.

      WebSphere Commerce Developer The default user name and password are both wcsadmin.

    2. Click Log On. If you are authorized to work with one or more organizations, the Organization Administration Console home page displays. Tasks that you are authorized to perform display in the Organization Administration Console home page.