If database information for your production server
changes, you must update the quick publish target.
Note: Quick publish is not supported in WebSphere Commerce
Before you begin
To update the quick publish target, have the following
information about your production server database ready:
- Database name
- Database user name (user ID)
- Database user password
- Fully qualified database server host name
- Database server port
You will also need the name of the JDBC data source entered
on the Staging page of the Instance Creation wizard when you originally
created the authoring server instance.
- If you have not done so, prepare the authoring server to
connect to the production database:
- Install a database client suitable for communication
with your production database.
- Catalog the remote production database on the authoring
server so that is accessible from your authoring server.
- Update
the WebSphere Application Server settings for the JDBC providers for
the production database.
- Update the WebSphere Commerce settings:
- Open the WebSphere
Commerce configuration file in a text editor.
- Find the ManagedFileUpdateEARConfiguration tag.
- The ManagedFileUpdateEARConfiguration tag resembles
the following text:
<ManagedFileUpdateEARConfiguration display="false">
<ContentManagedFileEARUpdate Implementation="com.ibm.commerce.filepublish.util.ContentManagedFileEARUpdateImpl" />
<ContentManagedFileHandler Implementation="com.ibm.commerce.filepublish.util.ContentManagedFileHandlerImpl" />
<ProductionServerInformation applicationName="wcs_demo" />
<ModuleInformation moduleName="Stores.war" />
<EvaluationCriteria minNumOfFilesForUpdate="10"
minSecFromLastUpload="3600" />
- Update the ProductionServerInformation and ModuleInformation
- ProductionServerInformation
- Specify the WebSphere Commerce application name on the production
server in the applicationName parameter. The WebSphere Commerce application
name is WC_enterprise_application.
- ModuleInformation
- Specify the module name for your store in the moduleName parameter.
The usual name for the stores module name is Stores.war. This name
is unlikely to change unless you have extensive customization.
- Save your changes.
- Propagate
your changes to the WebSphere Commerce configuration file.
- Stop and
restart the authoring server instance.