This class provides RESTful services to get person details, register a member, and update a member.
Method Name | HTTP Method | URL | Query Parameters | Description | Authentication | Example |
findPersonBySelf | GET | store/{storeId}/person/@self | responseFormat={responseFormat} | Gets the account data for a registered user. | Yes, HTTPS | Sample |
registerPerson | POST | store/{storeId}/person/ | responseFormat={responseFormat} | Registers a new user. | Yes, HTTPS | Sample |
updatePerson | PUT | store/{storeId}/person/@self | responseFormat={responseFormat} | Updates account data for a registered user. | Yes, HTTPS | Sample |
deleteContextAttributeForPerson | DELETE | store/{storeId}/person/@self/contextattributes/{jobNames}/{values} | responseFormat={responseFormat} | Deletes one or more values of a context attribute for a registered user. | Yes, HTTPS | Sample |