This class provides RESTful services to add, update, delete, and get items in the shopping cart and checkout.It also provides services to get usable shipping and payment information by delegating to the Order BOD service.
Method Name | HTTP Method | URL | Query Parameters | Description | Authentication | Example |
getCart | GET | store/{storeId}/cart/@self | responseFormat={responseFormat}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize} | Gets order details for the shopping cart. | Yes,HTTPS | Sample |
getUsableShippingInfo | GET | store/{storeId}/cart/@self/usable_shipping_info | responseFormat={responseFormat}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize} | Gets usable shipping information for the shopping cart. | Yes,HTTP | Sample |
applyCheckoutProfile | PUT | store/{storeId}/cart/@self/applyCheckoutProfile | responseFormat={responseFormat} | Applies the quick checkout profile to the current shopping cart. | Yes,HTTPS | Sample |
getUsablePaymentInfo | GET | store/{storeId}/cart/@self/usable_payment_info | responseFormat={responseFormat}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize} | Gets usable payment information for the shopping cart. | Yes,HTTP | Sample |
addOrderItem | POST | store/{storeId}/cart/ | responseFormat={responseFormat} | Adds one or more order items to the shopping cart. | Yes,HTTP | Sample |
udpateOrderItem | PUT | store/{storeId}/cart/@self | responseFormat={responseFormat} | Updates one or more order items in the shopping cart. | Yes,HTTP | Sample |
cancelOrderInCart | DELETE | store/{storeId}/cart/@self | responseFormat={responseFormat} | Deletes all items in the shopping cart. | Yes,HTTP | Sample |
preCheckout | PUT | store/{storeId}/cart/@self/precheckout | responseFormat={responseFormat} | Prepares the shopping cart for checkout. This method must be called before the checkout service. | Yes,HTTPS | Sample |
checkOut | POST | store/{storeId}/cart/@self/checkout | responseFormat={responseFormat} | Checks out the shopping cart. | Yes,HTTPS | Sample |
lockCart | POST | store/{storeId}/cart//{cartId}/lock | responseFormat={responseFormat} | Locks the shopping cart by a CSR. | Yes,HTTPS | Sample |
unlockCart | POST | store/{storeId}/cart//{cartId}/unlock | responseFormat={responseFormat} | Unlocks the shopping cart by a CSR. | Yes,HTTPS | Sample |
getAllowableShippingModes | GET | store/{storeId}/cart/shipping_modes | langId={langId}&responseFormat={responseFormat} | Deprecated: Gets allowable shipping information for the store. | Yes,HTTP | Sample |
getAllowableShippingModes | GET | store/{storeId}/cart/shipping_modes | locale={locale}&langId={langId}&responseFormat={responseFormat} | Gets allowable shipping information for the store. | Yes,HTTP | Sample |