Feature Pack 7


This class provides RESTful services to get e-Marketing Spot data. It uses the MarketingSpotData noun.

Method Name HTTP Method URL Query Parameters Description Authentication Example
findByName GET store/{storeId}/espot//{name} responseFormat={responseFormat} Gets an e-Marketing Spot by name. No,HTTP Sample
findByNameWithCategory GET store/{storeId}/espot//{name}/category/{categoryId} responseFormat={responseFormat} Deprecated: Gets an e-Marketing Spot at a specific category level. For example, Furniture. Alternatively, this can be implemented using the findByName method with the following URL: store/{storeId}/espot/{name}?categoryId=&DM_ReqCmd=CategoryDisplay. No,HTTP Sample
findByNameWithProduct GET store/{storeId}/espot//{name}/product/{productId} responseFormat={responseFormat} Deprecated: Gets an e-Marketing Spot for a specific product. Alternatively, this can be implemented using the findByName method with the following URL: store/{storeId}/espot/{name}?productId=&DM_ReqCmd=ProductDisplay. No,HTTP Sample