This class provides RESTful services to add, get, update, and delete payment instruction for the current shopping cart.
Method Name | HTTP Method | URL | Query Params | Description | Authentication | Example |
getPaymentInfo | GET | store/{storeId}/cart/@self/payment_instruction/ | responseFormat={responseFormat} | Gets payment instructions for the shopping cart. | Yes,HTTPS | Sample |
addPaymentInstruction | POST | store/{storeId}/cart/@self/payment_instruction/ | responseFormat={responseFormat} | Adds payment instructions to the shopping cart. | Yes,HTTPS | Sample |
updatePaymentInstruction | PUT | store/{storeId}/cart/@self/payment_instruction/ | responseFormat={responseFormat} | Updates payment instructions in the shopping cart. | Yes,HTTPS | Sample |
deletePaymentInstruction | DELETE | store/{storeId}/cart/@self/payment_instruction/{paymentInstruction_id} | responseFormat={responseFormat} | Deletes payment instructions from the shopping cart. | Yes,HTTPS | Sample |
deleteAllPaymentInstructions | DELETE | store/{storeId}/cart/@self/payment_instruction/ | responseFormat={responseFormat} | Deletes all payment instructions from the shopping cart. | Yes,HTTPS | Sample |