Feature Pack 4Feature Pack 5Feature Pack 6

Get all payment instructions for the shopping cart

The following example shows how to get all payment instructions for the shopping cart.


GET /wcs/resources/store/10101/cart/@self/payment_instruction HTTP/1.1
Host: wcstestserver.raleigh.ibm.com
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

   "paymentInstruction": [
         "lastName": "Smith",
         "phone1": "919-111-1111",
         "phone2": "919-222-2222",
         "nickName": "testuser",
         "state": "North Carolina",
         "email1": "u1@m.com",
         "email2": "abc@123.com",
         "country": "United States",
         "amount": "345.19000",
         "firstName": "John",
         "protocolData": [
               "value": "12",
               "name": "expire_month"
               "value": "North Carolina",
               "name": "billto_stateprovince"
               "value": "RTP",
               "name": "billto_city"
               "value": "VISA",
               "name": "cc_brand"
               "value": "13655",
               "name": "billing_address_id"
               "value": "***********11111",
               "name": "account"
               "value": "27560",
               "name": "billto_zipcode"
               "value": "United States",
               "name": "billto_country"
               "value": "100 main st.",
               "name": "billto_address1"
               "value": "VISA",
               "name": "payment_method"
               "value": "2021",
               "name": "expire_year"
               "value": "Smith",
               "name": "billto_lastname"
               "value": "John",
               "name": "billto_firstname"
         "piId": "11512",
         "city": "RTP",
         "zipCode": "27560",
         "addressId": "13655",
         "status": {
            "literal": "Success",
            "name": "Success",
            "value": 4
         "payMethodId": "VISA",
         "piDescription": "VISA Credit Card",
         "address1": "100 main st.",
         "address2": "Suite 200",
         "address3": ""
   "resourceName": "payment_instruction",
   "resourceId": "http://wcstestserver.raleigh.ibm.com/wcs/resources/store/10101/cart/@self/payment_instruction"