Feature Pack 4Feature Pack 5Feature Pack 6


This class provides RESTful services to retrieve a shopper's wish list details. This service uses the GiftList noun. To use this feature, you must enable multiple wish lists using the Store Management tool in Management Center.

Method Name HTTP Method URL Query Params Description Authentication Example
findWishlist GET store/{storeId}/wishlist/@self responseFormat={responseFormat} Gets all the shopper's wish lists. Yes,HTTPS Sample
findWishlistByUserId_default GET store/{storeId}/wishlist/@default responseFormat={responseFormat} Gets the shopper's default wish list. Yes,HTTPS Sample
findWishlistByExternalId GET store/{storeId}/wishlist/{externalId} guestAccessKey={guestAccessKey}&responseFormat={responseFormat} Gets wish lists by ExternalId (Yes,HTTPS), or by ExternalId and GuestAccesskey (No,HTTPS). Yes,HTTPS or No,HTTPS Sample
createWishlist POST store/{storeId}/wishlist/ responseFormat={responseFormat} Creates a wish list, either empty or with items. Yes,HTTPS Sample
updateWishlist PUT store/{storeId}/wishlist/{externalId} responseFormat={responseFormat}&addItem={addItem} Updates the wish list, such as changing the description, or adding or updating items. Yes,HTTPS Sample
deleteWishlist DELETE store/{storeId}/wishlist/{externalId} responseFormat={responseFormat}&itemId={itemId} Deletes a wish list, or deletes an item from a wish list. Yes,HTTPS Sample