Generating the Project service module projects

The Java Emitter Template (JET) is an Eclipse-enabled template engine for generating applications based on model-driven architecture transformations. By defining an XML file that describes your module, the JET plug-in for Rational Application Developer (RAD) can generate the basic WebSphere Commerce service module code for you. Afterward, you can complete the module by completing your specific business logic to start directly with the service module implementation. You do not need to spend hours with the setup and configuration of a service module.

About this task

In this lesson, you use the Java Emitter Template (JET) provided by WebSphere Commerce to generate the base code for your Project service module. The Java code for a WebSphere Commerce service module is abstracted and generated. You can then focus on implementing the code specific to each service module, for example, the nouns and the business logic.


  1. Start WebSphere Commerce Developer.
  2. In the Enterprise Explorer view, create the application definition file to create the base code for the TutorialStore service module.
    1. Create the service module input file.
      1. Right-click the WebSphereCommerceServerExtensionsLogic project; select New > Folder.
      2. Enter ServiceModuleDefinition as the folder name. This step creates a single location to store all service module input files.
      3. Right-click ServiceModuleDefinition; select New > File.
      4. Enter project.xml as the file name and click Finish.
    2. Paste the following application definition into the Source tab of project.xml:
      <_pattern:commerceComponent xmlns:_pattern="" 
      xsi:schemaLocation=" ../../WC/xml/config/xsd/wc-component-pattern.xsd " 
      name="Project" packagenameprefix="com.mycompany.commerce" company="myCompany" 
      namespace="" nlsprefix="myprj" type="BOD"> 
      <_pattern:noun name="Project" get="true" process="true" change="true" sync="false"> 
      <_pattern:nounpart name="Material" xpath="/Material" /> 
      <_pattern:nounpart name="Tool" xpath="/Tool[]" /> 
      <_pattern:nounpart name="Instruction" xpath="/Instruction[]" /> 
      <_pattern:nounpart name="Description" xpath="/Description[]" /> 
      <_pattern:nounpart name="CollectionRel" xpath="/Collection[]" /> 
      <_pattern:noun name="ProjectCollection" get="true" process="true" change="true" sync="false"> 
      <_pattern:nounpart name="Description" xpath="/Description[]" /> 
      Note: The definition indicates the name of the noun (ProjectCollection) and the verbs that are enabled for the pattern (Get, Process, and Change, but not Sync). This file determines the assets and code to be generated for you.
    3. Save the file.
  3. Right-click project.xml; select Run As > Input for Jet Transformation.
  4. In the Transformation section:
    1. Select the following ID:

      Select the ID

    2. Click OK.
  5. The pattern is applied. In the Navigator view, verify that the following projects are created:
    This project contains client-specific code that is used to build requests and handle responses from the Project Web service.
    This project holds the XSD file that defines the Project noun and the Service Data Objects generated from the Project and ProjectCollection nouns.
    This project contains the server-side business logic for the Project and ProjectCollection nouns.
    This project enables the Project-Server for web services over HTTP.
    This project enables the Project-Server for web services over JMS.
    This project contains ready built unit tests to verify the Project component.
    Note: Build errors occur in the projects at this stage because data objects are not yet generated. Continue the tutorial to generate these objects and resolve the build errors.
  6. Update the WebSphere Commerce project.
    1. Right-click the WC project; select Refresh.
    2. Expand WC/xml/config/com.mycompany.commerce.project.
      • Rename wc-component-client.xml to wc-component-client-J2SEWebService-example.xml
      • Rename wc-component-client-local-example.xml to wc-component-client.xml
  7. Change the data source JNDI name:
    1. In the Enterprise Explorer view, expand Project-Server/ejbModule/META-INF.
    2. Right-click ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi; select Open With > XML Editor.
    3. Verify that the following jndiName values are specified for the attribute <resRefBindings>:
      • DB2jdbc/WebSphere Commerce DB2 DataSource demo
      • Oraclejdbc/WebSphere Commerce Oracle DataSource demo
      • Apache Derbyjdbc/WebSphere Commerce Cloudscape DataSource demo

      If the JNDI name field is empty or incorrect, make the necessary changes for the wanted database.

  8. Update the build dependencies for the service module:
    Note: This step is necessary as build dependencies are managed by using the Deployment Assembley instead of the project class path.
    1. Add the service module to the WebSphere Commerce application.
      1. Expand WC, right-click WebSphereCommerceServer; select Open With > Application Deployment Descriptor Editor.
      2. On the design pane, click Add; select Module, then click OK.
        Note: If Add is grayed out and cannot be clicked, verify that Application, the first option, is highlighted in the modules list.
      3. Under Module, select Project-Server, then click Finish.
      4. Again, click Add; select Module, then click OK.
      5. Under Module, select ProjectServicesHTTPInterface, then click Finish.
      6. Under Actions, click Manage Utility JARs > Add. Select Project and click Next.
      7. Select Project-Client and Project-DataObjects. Click Finish > OK.
        Note: If Actions is grayed out and cannot be clicked, verify that Application, the first option, is highlighted in the modules list.
      8. Save the changes that are made in the Application Deployment Descriptor Editor.
    2. Right-click the Project-Server project; select Properties.
    3. Select Deployment Assembley. Click Add.
    4. Select Java Build Path Entries. Click Next.
    5. Select the following JAR files and projects:
      Feature Pack 4Feature Pack 2Feature Pack 3Feature Pack 1
      • Enablement-BaseComponentsData.jar
      • Enablement-RelationshipManagementData.jar
      • Enablement-RelationshipManagementLogic.jar
      • Foundation-Core.jar
      • Foundation-DataObjects.jar
      • Foundation-Extension.jar
      • Foundation-Server.jar
      • Project-Client.jar
      • Project-DataObjects.jar
      Feature Pack 5 or later
      • Enablement-BaseComponentsData.jar
      • Enablement-RelationshipManagementData.jar
      • Enablement-RelationshipManagementLogic-FEP.jar
      • Foundation-Core-FEP.jar
      • Foundation-DataObjects.jar
      • Foundation-Extension-FEP.jar
      • Foundation-Server-FEP.jar
      • Project-Client.jar
      • Project-DataObjects.jar
      Note: It is safe to ignore any warnings that occur during this step.
    6. Click Finish > OK.


In this lesson, you used the Java Emitter Template (JET) to generate the base code for the Project component. Your next task is to generate the data objects that are required to implement the logical data model of your Project noun. This noun is defined in the Project.xsd and ProjectCollection.xsd files.