
Verifying updates to the WebSphere Commerce non-root user's .profile file

The WebSphere Commerce installation wizard makes changes to the non-root user's .profile file. Verify that these changes were made correctly by performing the steps on this page.

For WebSphere Commerce to function correctly, the WebSphere Commerce installation wizard updates the non-root user's .profile file.

Confirm that the updates were made to the WebSphere Commerce non-root user's .profile file in the non-root user's home directory as follows:
  1. Ensure that the WebSphere Commerce non-root user's .profile file calls the database user's .profile file by adding the following the line to the WebSphere Commerce non-root user's .profile file: SolarisLinuxAIX
    SolarisLinuxAIX. database_users_dir/.profile
    where database_users_dir is the full path of the home directory for the DB2 Database user.

    Ensure that database_users_dir/.profile does not contain any statements that will not run in sh.