Generating deployed code

The code generation utility analyzes the beans to ensure that Sun Microsystems' EJB specifications are met and it ensures that rules specific to the EJB server are followed. In addition, for each selected enterprise bean, the code-generation tool generates the home and EJBObject (remote) implementations and implementation classes for the home and remote interfaces, as well as the JDBC persister and finder classes for CMP beans. It also generates the Java ORB, stubs, and tie classes required for RMI access over IIOP, as well as stubs for the home and remote interfaces

Before you begin

Ensure that you generated the access bean for the enterprise bean and optionally used the optimistic locking migration tool to migrate EJB projects to use optimistic locking.


  1. In the Project Explorer view, expand EJB Modules > WebSphereCommerceServerExtensionsData > Deployment Descriptor: WebSphereCommerceServerExtensionsData > Entity Beans.
  2. Select the YourNewBean bean and click Java EE > Prepare for Deployment.