WebSphere Commerce shopping flow URLs are organized by subsystem.
The Member subsystem includes all logic and data relevant to registration, authentication, and grouping of all members. A member can be a user, an organization or organizational entity, or a member group.
The following URLs are related to security:
Data beans are grouped into several component groups.
URL commands, controller commands, task commands, view commands and tables are related to each other.
Use this information when you are customizing a command and you want to know which tables are affected. You should also use this topic if you are modifying a table and want to know which commands and beans are affected.
Legacy API classes can be browsed via Javadoc. New API classes are exposed using the REST interface.
Catalog subsystem URLs include all logic and data relevant to a catalog, including categories, products and their attributes, items, and groupings of each, and any associations or relationships among them.
Each IBM Gift Center action is a Struts action that calls the service interface for the gift registry to perform a requested action. If you are developing a store using the gift registry feature (for example, creating JSP files), you should be familiar with the actions. The actions are executed from a browser.
The Marketing subsystem includes all logic and data relevant to marketing concepts for your site, such as campaigns, Web activities, customer segments, email activities, and collaboration.
The following URLs are related to Address.
The following URLs are related to Buyers.
The following URLs are related to Organization:
The following URLs are related to Registration.
The following URLs are related to resellers.
Resets passwords in the database.
Logs off a registered or gest user. It clears the session of the current user, and begins a session as the generic user.
Log a registered user on to a store or site.
Resets or updates passwords of users. This command works regardless of the authentication mode: Database, LDAP or Third Party.
This URL allows administrators with the required authority to run subsequent commands in the same session under a specified customer's identity.
This URL resets the session for subsequent commands so they revert back to the original administrator user ID after an administrator has established the runAsUser value in the session by running the RunAsUserSetInSession command.
The following URLs relate to the Messaging system.
The Order Management subsystem includes all logic and data relevant to placing, processing, and managing orders. The Order Management subsystem also deals with returns.
The Trading subsystem includes all logic and data relevant to negotiating or determining the price and associated quantity of an individual product or set of products. In particular, this area deals with the auctioning of goods and services, contracts, and RFQs (Requests for quotes).
The server subsystem consists of functions that are associated with URLs that are run by the scheduler.
The starter stores consist of pages that are associated with URLs that are run by WebSphere Commerce search. You can use the following URLs to invoke various WebSphere Commerce search tasks.
The WebSphere Commerce database model was designed for data integrity and optimal performance. WebSphere Commerce provides several hundred tables that store WebSphere Commerce instance data. To maintain data integrity, and to ease maintenance referential integrity, constraints are widely used in the database model. Indexes are used carefully on tables to avoid over-indexing and to provide a good balance between data retrieval and data manipulation activities (insert and update). The business rules are implemented at the application level rather than by using database trigger. Triggers, however, are used to facilitate data staging and optimistic locking. A limited number of SQL-based database stored procedures are used for data intensive activities.
Any given database data model displays the relationship among database tables in the schema.
During installation, WebSphere Commerce sets up the caching system with the default values.
The root element of the cachespec.xml file, <cache>, contains <cache-entry> elements. The WebSphere dynamic cache service parses the cachespec.xml file during startup, and extracts a set of configuration parameters from each <cache-entry> element.
A WebSphere Commerce instance can be created from the command line. The command-line utility uses Apache Ant to create the objects required. The targets are divided into several high-level groups that correspond to the environment that is to be configured.
The extension points listed on this page are provided by IBM and used in the IBM Sales Center.
WebSphere Commerce REST services are JAX-RS REST services that are built on top of Apache Wink. The implementation classes contain JAX-RS annotations such as @Path, @Produces, @Consumes, @QueryParam, and @PathParam.
In WebSphere Commerce Version 6.x the Payments subsystem was introduced. Payment processing using the WebSphere Commerce Multipayment Framework (used in version 5.x) and payment processing using the Payments subsystem is fundamentally different.
Parameters for the commands described here apply to the framework only. Note that in most cases, WebSphere Commerce Payments does not check for duplicate parameters. If more than one instance of a parameter is specified, then the last instance will be used.
The Data Load utility contains several configuration files. You can use the configuration file schema to understand and customize the data load configuration files.