Configuring and running the build process
The WebSphere Commerce Build and Deployment tool is highly configurable, in order to suit your current server environment, repository structure, and target environments.
High-level build process flow
The following diagram shows the high-level build process flow which you will configure and run:
- If set to run, extract source code with the user-provided Ant script.
- Consolidates all Java source code from the source, compiles, and creates a global JAR that is used to compile each module individually. This is to help resolve classpath circular dependencies during the compilation phase using javac.
- For each connector module set to build, compile and create an expanded resource archive (RAR).
- For each Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) module set to build, compile, deploy, and create an EJB Java Archive (JAR) file.
- For each Java utility module set to build, compile and create a JAR file.
- For each Web module set to build, compile and create an expanded Web Archive (WAR).
- For each OpenLaszlo Web module set to build, compile and create an expanded Web Archive (WAR).
- If set to run, create a server deployment package by consolidating assets from source, archived modules and the Build and Deployment tool.
- If set to run, create a toolkit deployment package by consolidating assets from source, archived modules and the Build and Deployment tool.
- If set to run, unzip the server deployment package and run the server deployment process.
- If set to run, clean the working directory.