Feature Pack 6 or later

Creating data in XML format

You can create data that you want to load into your database with the Data Load utility in an XML formatted file. This XML file must follow a specific XML format, which is similar in structure and content to the supported CSV format for loading catalog data.

Before you begin

Ensure that you are familiar with the following topics: File format for Data Load input files, and Data Load utility CSV column and XML element definitions.


  1. Open an XML or text editor.
  2. In the first line of your file, add the following code to define your file as an XML file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  3. After the line that defines your file as an XML file, specify an element for the business object type that you are loading information about. You must specify this object type in the root element for your file by specifying the keyword for the business object. In this element, you must include an element name that distinguishes your root element from other elements within your file.
    This root element must be specified with the following format:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <elementName loadItemName="keyword">
    Where elementName is the distinguishing name for the root element, and keyword is the keyword that is used to identify the business object type that you are loading.
    For example, the following element is used to specify that a file contains catalog data.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <CatalogObjects loadItemName="Catalog">
    Note: The loadItemName declaration is mandatory in files that are being upload with Management Center and optional for files that are loaded with the Data Load utility. As a best practice, include this declaration. By including the loadItemName declaration, your file can be loaded with both the Data Load utility or Management Center without requiring you to add the loadItemName declaration later.
    When you are specifying a keyword, select one of the following keywords. These keywords are case-sensitive, so ensure that you type the keyword exactly as shown:
    • Feature Pack 5 or laterAttachment
    • Feature Pack 5 or laterAttachmentAsset
    • Feature Pack 8AttachmentAssetLanguage
    • Feature Pack 8AttachmentDescription
    • AttributeDictionaryAttributeAllowedValues
    • AttributeDictionaryAttributeAndAllowedValues
    • Feature Pack 6 or laterAttributeDictionaryAttributeFolderRelationship
    • Catalog
    • CatalogDescription
    • CatalogGroup
    • Feature Pack 5 or laterCatalogGroupAsset
    • CatalogGroupAssociation
    • Feature Pack 5 or laterCatalogGroupAttachment
    • CatalogGroupCalculationCode
    • CatalogGroupDescription
    • CatalogGroupRelationship
    • Feature Pack 5 or laterCatalogGroupSEO
    • CatalogEntry
    • Feature Pack 5 or laterCatalogEntryAsset
    • CatalogEntryAssociation
    • CatalogEntryATPInventory
    • Feature Pack 5 or laterCatalogEntryAttachment
    • CatalogEntryAttributeDictionaryAttributeRelationship
    • CatalogEntryCalculationCode
    • CatalogEntryComponent
    • CatalogEntryDescription
    • CatalogEntryDescriptiveAttributeAndValue
    • Feature Pack 5 or laterCatalogEntryDescriptionOverride
    • Feature Pack 8CatalogEntryDescriptionUpdate
    • CatalogEntryInventory
    • CatalogEntryOfferPrice
    • CatalogEntryParentCatalogGroupRelationship
    • CatalogEntryParentProductRelationship
    • Feature Pack 5 or laterCatalogEntrySEO
    • Feature Pack 8CatalogEntryUpdate
    • CatalogFilter
    • CatalogFilterCategory
    • CatalogFilterCatentry
    • CatalogFilterCondition
    • CatalogFilterConditionGroup
    • ListPriceList
    • Feature Pack 8MarketingActivity
    • Feature Pack 8MarketingCampaign
    • Feature Pack 8MarketingContent
    • Feature Pack 8MarketingContentAttachment
    • Feature Pack 8MarketingContentAttachmentDescription
    • Feature Pack 8MarketingContentDescription
    • Feature Pack 8MarketingContentImageMap
    • Feature Pack 8MarketingElement
    • Feature Pack 8MarketingElementNVP
    • Feature Pack 8MarketingSpot
    • Feature Pack 8MarketingSpotDefaultContent
    • Feature Pack 8MarketingSpotDefaultTitle
    • Feature Pack 8MemberGroup
    • Feature Pack 8MemberGroupCondition
    • Feature Pack 8MemberGroupDescription
    • Offer
    • ProductDefiningAttributeAndAllowedValues
    • SKUDefiningAttributeValue
  4. Following the line that defines the object type that your loading, specify the object that you are loading. Specify the object within an element that is nested within your root element.
    For example,
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <CatalogObjects loadItemName="Catalog">
  5. Add the information for the object that you are loading. You can add this information as elements or as attributes in the element that specifies the object that you are loading.
    These attributes or elements must use the specific XML element name for the object. These names are the same as the CSV column names and are case-sensitive. You must enter these names exactly as they appear in the appropriate CSV column and XML element definitions topic. If you are adding custom information, you must enter the attribute or element names to be the same as the name in the corresponding mediator that maps the information to the correct location in the business object noun.
    • If you are adding your object information in XML elements, nest these elements within the object element you defined in the previous step. For example:
        <Identifier>Spring Fashions</Identifier>
        <Description>Spring Fashions</Description>
        <Name>Spring Fashions</Name>
        <ShortDescription>Spring Fashions</ShortDescription>
        <LongDescription>Fashions for the Spring season</LongDescription>
    • If you are adding your object information as attributes, these XML attributes must be included in the following format:
      <object attribute="attribute_value"> 
      Where object is the object that you are loading, and attribute is the name of the attribute that you are loading. For example,
      <Catalog Identifier="Spring Fashions">
    You can also include an element or attribute that specifies the sequence or delete value for the object. For example,
    • Attribute
      <CatalogEntry Sequence="1.0"  Delete="0">
    • Element

    You can set the delete value to be 1 or 0. If you set the value to 1, then the object is deleted. If you specify the value as 0, or omit the value, the value defaults to 0 and no deletion occurs.

  6. Optional: Repeat steps 4 and 5 to add information for more objects within your file. Each object must be specified within a separate XML element. Do not nest your objects deeply. Nest the element for each object you are including directly within your root element.
    For example, to include three catalog objects within a file, your file can resemble the following code:
    <CatalogObjects loadItemName="Catalog">
        <Identifier>Spring Fashions</Identifier>
        <Description>Spring Fashions</Description>
        <Name>Spring Fashions</Name>
        <ShortDescription>Spring Fashions</ShortDescription>
        <LongDescription>Fashions for the Spring season</LongDescription>
      <Catalog Delete="0">
        <Identifier>Summer Fashions</Identifier>
        <Description>Summer Fashions</Description>
        <Name>Spring Fashions</Name>
        <ShortDescription>Summer Fashions</ShortDescription>
        <LongDescription>Fashions for the Summer season</LongDescription>
      <Catalog Delete="0">
        <Identifier>Fall Fashions</Identifier>
        <Description>Fall Fashions</Description>
        <Name>Spring Fashions</Name>
        <ShortDescription>Fall Fashions</ShortDescription>
        <LongDescription>Fashions for the Fall season</LongDescription>
  7. Save and close your file.
    Your completed file can resemble the following code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <CatalogObjects loadItemName="Catalog">
        <Identifier>Spring Fashions</Identifier>
        <Description>Spring Fashions</Description>
        <Name>Spring Fashions</Name>
        <ShortDescription>Spring Fashions</ShortDescription>
        <LongDescription>Fashions for the Spring season</LongDescription>
      <Catalog Delete="0">
        <Identifier>Summer Fashions</Identifier>
        <Description>Summer Fashions</Description>
        <Name>Spring Fashions</Name>
        <ShortDescription>Summer Fashions</ShortDescription>
        <LongDescription>Fashions for the Summer season</LongDescription>
      <Catalog Delete="0">
        <Identifier>Fall Fashions</Identifier>
        <Description>Fall Fashions</Description>
        <Name>Spring Fashions</Name>
        <ShortDescription>Fall Fashions</ShortDescription>
        <LongDescription>Fashions for the Fall season</LongDescription>


You created XML files in a suitable format for loading into your database with the Data Load utility. When you load your XML file, the business object keyword and the element names for the object information are interpreted. The keyword and element names are not included in your database with the object information.