If your store displays the list price to customers, you
must make changes to any JSP files that contain code related to the
list price. These changes ensure that the store is using both the
new list price list and the new List price rule that the migration
utility creates. If your store does not display list prices, you can
skip this customization procedure.
About this task
This task applies to:
- Single stores (stores that are not extended site stores)
- Extended sites: Complete this task only on the storefront asset
This procedure applies to the following WebSphere Commerce starter
stores, if you published the starter store before you installed WebSphere
Commerce Version 7 Feature Pack 2:
- Madisons
- Elite
- Brazil
- MayUJoy
If you have customized one of these starter stores, your customization
might affect how you apply this JSP migration procedure. For example,
if you have excluded certain starter store files that are affected
by the migration, then you can skip the related steps.
- Open
WebSphere Commerce Developer and switch to the Enterprise Explorer
- Add a new variable to the JSTLEnvironmentSetup.jspf file:
- Open the file at this path:
- WCDE_installdir/workspace/Stores/WebContent/storedir/include/JSTLEnvironmentSetup.jspf
- Add the following line of code to the bottom of the
<c:set var="defaultDisplayPriceRuleName" value="List price rule"/>
line of code configures the store to use a default price rule called
price rule to set the list price for catalog entries on the storefront.
The migration utility creates the List price rule for the store when
the utility runs (for single stores, extended site stores, and storefront
asset stores). The List price rule gets the price from the
price list that the migration utility creates.
- Save and close the file.
- Add a new GetCatalogEntryDisplayPrice.jspf file
to your store directory:
- Create an empty file called GetCatalogEntryDisplayPrice.jspf at
the following path:
- WCDE_installdir/workspace/Stores/WebContent/storedir/Snippets/ReusableObjects/
- Paste the following content into the empty GetCatalogEntryDisplayPrice.jspf
* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
* WebSphere Commerce
* (c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation. 2009
* All rights reserved.
* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
* disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
* This JSP is an extension point for price list&rule solution.
* This page will call priceFacadeClient to fetch list price based on display price rule and list price list.
<%@ taglib uri="http://commerce.ibm.com/foundation" prefix="wcf" %>
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c" %>
<c:set var="displayPriceAmount" scope="page"/>
<c:set var="displayPriceCurrency" scope="page"/>
<c:set var="listPriced" value="false"/>
<wcf:getData type="com.ibm.commerce.price.facade.datatypes.DisplayPriceType" var="displayPriceType" expressionBuilder="getDisplayPriceByCatalogEntryIdandPriceRuleName">
<wcf:contextData name="storeId" data="${param.storeId}"/>
<wcf:param name="catEntryId" value="${catalogEntryIdForPriceRule}" />
<wcf:param name="priceRuleName" value="${defaultDisplayPriceRuleName}" />
<c:if test="${null!=displayPriceType}">
<c:forEach var="aUnitPrice" items="${displayPriceType.unitPrice}">
<c:set var="listPriced" value="true"/>
<c:set var="displayPriceAmount" value="${aUnitPrice.price.value}"/>
<c:set var="displayPriceCurrency" value="${aUnitPrice.price.currency}"/>
java.math.BigDecimal anAmount = (java.math.BigDecimal)(pageContext.getAttribute("displayPriceAmount"));
String aCurrency = (String)(pageContext.getAttribute("displayPriceCurrency"));
com.ibm.commerce.price.beans.PriceDataBean priceDB = null;
com.ibm.commerce.price.utils.MonetaryAmount amount = new com.ibm.commerce.price.utils.MonetaryAmount(anAmount,aCurrency);
Integer languageId = (Integer)(pageContext.getAttribute("langId"));
priceDB = new com.ibm.commerce.price.beans.PriceDataBean(amount,sdb,languageId);
<c:set var="displayPrice" value="<%=priceDB%>"/>
<c:remove var="displayPriceAmount" scope="page"/>
<c:remove var="displayPriceCurrency" scope="page"/>
- Save and close the file.
- Update the CatalogEntryPriceDisplay.jspf file:
- Open the file at the following path:
- WCDE_installdir/workspace/Stores/WebContent/storedir/Snippets/ReusableObjects/CatalogEntryPriceDisplay.jspf
Notice that this file is an existing file that is different
from the new file you created in step 3, even though the names are
- Include the GetCatalogEntryDisplayPrice.jspf file
by adding the following two lines of code at a location before any
of the list price logic is called:
<c:set var="catalogEntryIdForPriceRule" value="${apendId}"/>
<%@ include file="GetCatalogEntryDisplayPrice.jspf"%>
example, if your existing store is based on a WebSphere Commerce starter
store (Madisons or Elite), add the two lines below the following line
of code in the existing file:
<%@ include file="CatalogEntryPriceDisplayExt.jspf"%>
- Search and replace the following strings in the CatalogEntryPriceDisplay.jsp file:
Search for |
Replace with |
catalogEntryDB.listPriced |
listPriced |
catalogEntryDB.listPrice.amount |
displayPrice.amount |
- Save and close the file
- Update the DiscountDetailsDisplay.jsp file:
- Open the file at this path:
- WCDE_installdir/workspace/Stores/WebContent/storedir/ShoppingArea/DiscountSection/DiscountDetailsDisplay.jsp
- Include the GetCatalogEntryDisplayPrice.jspf file
at a location in the code before any of the list price logic
is called. The following code snippet from the existing DiscountDetailsDisplay.jsp file
shows where you might include the GetCatalogEntryDisplayPrice.jspf file;
you must add the last two lines of code marked 1 and 2:
* Start: discountCatalogEntryDB.productDataBean Price
* The 1st choose block below determines the way to show the discountCatalogEntryDB.productDataBean contract price: a) no price available, b) the minimum price, c) the price range.
* The 2nd choose block determines whether to show the list price.
* List price is only displayed if it is greater than the discountCatalogEntryDB.productDataBean price and if the discountCatalogEntryDB.productDataBean does not have price range (i.e. min price == max price)
<c:when test="${catalogEntry.product}">
<c:set var="type" value="product"/>
<c:set var="catalogEntryDB" value="${catalogEntry.productDataBean}"/>
<%@ include file="../../Snippets/ReusableObjects/CatalogEntryPriceDisplay.jspf"%>
<c:set var="discountItemDB" value="${catalogEntry}"/>
<c:set var="catalogEntryIdForPriceRule" value="${catalogEntry.catalogEntryID}"/>1
<%@ include file="../../Snippets/ReusableObjects/GetCatalogEntryDisplayPrice.jspf"%>2
- Search and replace the following strings in the DiscountDetailsDisplay.jsp file:
Search for |
Replace with |
discountItemDB.listPriced |
listPriced |
discountItemDB.listPrice |
displayPrice |
- Save and close the file.
- If your store contains other JSP pages with customized
code related to displaying the list price, you must update those pages
as well:
- Include the GetCatalogEntryDisplayPrice.jspf file
in the customized file or its parent JSP at a location before any
of the list price logic is called.
- Above the line that includes the GetCatalogEntryDisplayPrice.jspf file,
set the proper value for the following variable:
value must be the ID of the catalog entry to get the list price for.
To find the variable identifier, look in the JSP file that contains
the include line. For example:
- Search and replace the following strings to update the
code related to list price:
Search for |
Replace with |
your_customized_variable.listPriced |
listPriced |
your_customized_variable.listPrice |
displayPrice |
your_customized_variable.isListPriced() |
pageContext.getAttribute("listPriced") |
your_customized_variable.getListPrice() |
displayPrice |
After completing this procedure, any store pages that display
the list price will now use the new List price rule and List price
list for pricing.