WebSphere Commerce Version or laterFeature Pack 7 or laterOracle

Configuring database connections to support an Oracle 12c database

To run WebSphere Commerce utilities on a WebSphere Application Server that uses Oracle 12c, you must configure system properties and database connection properties.There are APAR fixes that contain the necessary property configurations and methods that can be used to invoke the new configurations onto your system.

Before you begin

  • To support Oracle 12c, ensure that Fix Pack 9 and the necessary APAR fixes are installed.
    1. Install the latest cumulative interim fix for Fix Pack 9 JR52306.fp. If you are not on Fix Pack 9, you must first upgrade to Fix Pack 9.
    2. If you are using Feature Pack 7 or Feature Pack 8, install the necessary APAR fixes:
  • For IBM i OS operating systemSolarisLinuxAIXWindowsEnsure that both the WebSphere Commerce server and Search server are started.
  • For IBM i OS operating systemSolarisLinuxAIXWindowsIn a clustered environment, ensure that the WebSphere Application Server Deployment Manager (dmgr) and all node agents are running.
  • WebSphere Commerce DeveloperEnsure that the WebSphere Commerce Test Server is stopped.

About this task

The Oracle 12c JDBC driver does not allow commit or rollback calls on connections with autoCommit enabled. Some connection objects that are used by WebSphere Commerce utilities (such as the Data Load utility) have auto-commit enabled. System properties and configuration files must be updated to prevent the Oracle 12c JDBC driver from throwing exceptions.
Note: WebSphere Commerce does not support the ojdbc7.jar driver that is included with Oracle 12c. Ensure that you use the ojdbc6.jar driver.


  1. Open a command prompt or shell window.
    • SolarisLinuxAIXLog in as wcsuser.
  2. Go to the following directory:
    • For IBM i OS operating systemSolarisLinuxAIXWindowsWC_installdir/bin
    • WebSphere Commerce DeveloperWCDE_installdir/bin
  3. Run the following command:
    • For IBM i OS operating systemSolarisLinuxAIX./config_ant.sh -buildfile WC_installdir/config/deployment/xml/addJVMPropsRuntime.xml -logfile WC_installdir/logs/addJVMProps.log -DinstanceName=instance_name
    • Windows./config_ant.bat -buildfile WC_installdir/config/deployment/xml/addJVMPropsRuntime.xml -logfile WC_installdir/logs/addJVMProps.log -DinstanceName=instance_name
    • WebSphere Commerce DeveloperinstallActions.bat -Dtype=Fixpack -Dbatch=WcEar -Dphase=install
  4. Review the following log file to ensure that there are no errors.
    • For IBM i OS operating systemSolarisLinuxAIXWindowsWC_installdir/logs/addJVMProps.log
    • WebSphere Commerce DeveloperWC_installdir/logs/installactions/installactions_timestamp.log
  5. Update the holdability attribute for Oracle database.
    1. Find all wc-data-config.xml files under the following parent folder:
      • For IBM i OS operating systemSolarisLinuxAIXWindowsWC_installdir/instances/instance_name/search/solr/
      • WebSphere Commerce DeveloperWCDE_installdir/search/solr/
    2. Open the wc-data-config.xml file.
    3. Find the following code.
      <dataSource name="WC database"
          <!-- Holdability must be removed for Oracle. -->              
    4. Delete the holdability="CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT" attribute, or change the value to HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT.
      Note: CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT is not supported by Oracle.