Changing database passwords

You can change database user passwords (DBUserPwd) and database administrator passwords (DBAPwd) by updating the WebSphere Commerce configuration file and updating properties in the WebSphere Application Server administrative console.

Before you begin

Ensure that the database management system is started.


  1. Change the DBUserPwd or DBAPwd by using one of the following methods:
    In Configuration Manager
    1. Start Configuration Manager.
    2. Expand WebSphere Commerce > host_name > Commerce > Instance List > instance_name > Instance Properties > Database > target_db
    3. Select the General tab, and then update the database user password or database administrator password.
    4. Click Apply and exit WebSphere Commerce Configuration Manager.
    In the WebSphere Commerce configuration file
    1. Use the wcs_encrypt utility without a merchant key to encrypt the new password.
    2. Open the configuration file WC_installdir/instances/instance_name/xml/instance_name.xml
    3. Update the DBUserPwd or DBAPwd with the new encrypted password.
    4. Save and close the file.
    5. Update the wc-server.xml file and the master EAR by running the following command:

      WC_installdir/bin/ -DinstanceName=instance_name UpdateEAR

  2. If you changed the database user password (DBUserPwd), you must update the WebSphere Application Server data source. You do not have to update the WebSphere Application Server data source for database administrator password (DBAPwd)changes.
    1. Open the WebSphere Application Server Administrative Console.
    2. Expand Resources > JDBC. Click Data sources.
    3. Click WebSphere Commerce DB2 Datasource instance_name.
    4. Record the value for the Component-managed authentication alias field. The default name for this alias in WC_instance_name.
    5. In the Related Items section, click JAAS - J2C authentication data.
    6. Click the alias that is associated with your data source.
    7. Confirm that the user ID value is correct and update your user password information.
    8. Click OK and save your changes to the master configuration.
  3. Optional: If you are in a federated or clustered environment, ensure that the changes are synchronized between network deployment manager and individual nodes.
  4. Restart your WebSphere Commerce instance.