Localized starter store drives sales in the Brazilian market
The Brazil starter store is the new store that demonstrates best practices in store development with WebSphere Commerce, and can act as a base for implementing Brazilian storefronts.
You can use the Brazil starter store in either the consumer direct business model or as an asset store in the Extended Sites or Demand Chain business models.
The Brazil starter store is now packaged as a stand-alone store archive. In previous feature packs it was necessary to publish the Madisons store archive; then publish the Brazil store archive on top of Madisons. This step is no longer required.
The Brazil starter store provides all the pages and features necessary for a functioning consumer direct online store for the Brazilian market. It is designed and contains features to meet the market demands of Brazil, ensuring increased sales to Brazilian customers.
It contains a full set of consumer direct features, including user registration, catalog browsing, promotions, and targeted marketing. The store contains rich interactions, including the product quick info pop-up and a streamlined checkout flow. The Brazil starter store supports punchout payments, Boleto Bancário payments, and Software Express SiTef payments, enabling third-party payment systems integration in the storefront. It also supports installment payments and Brazil-specific address fields.
The Brazil starter store uses Rich Internet Application (RIA) technologies such as Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) and Dojo widgets to provide customers with an interactive and rich shopping experience. It addresses many common Web customization issues, using CSS and DIV tags for page layout, design, and styling, rather than overusing table elements throughout the page.
Technological features include search engine optimization, support for multiple Web browsers and platforms, and options to accommodate different flows depending on varying customer needs.