Verifying the Websphere variables

About this task

The JDBC Provider uses WebSphere® environment variables to define the paths to the JDBC driver JAR files.
  • db2jcc.jar
  • db2jcc-javax.jar
  • db2jcc-license_cu.jar
  • db2jcc4.jar. If available.
Verify that the correct values are defined by completing the following steps:


  1. Select Environment / WebSphere Variables.
  2. Click DB2UNIVERSAL_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH and verify that this points to the DB2® libraries.
    Local DB2 database
    If you have installed the DB2 database locally the files are located in
    Windows® systems
    \Program Files\ibm\sqllib\java
    Linux® systems
     where VERSION is the DB2 version number
    for example: /opt/ibm/db2/V8.1/java
    Remote DB2 database
    If you are using a remote DB2 database you must copy the jar files from the remote system to a location on your local system and put the path to the local files here.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Click Save.