Running a target custom installation on a Windows system

To install the target software on a Windows®operating system, use the trc_target_setup.exe file.

About this task

For more information about obtaining this file, see Obtain the installation files.

To install the target, complete the following steps:


  1. Create a folder in your root drive called IBMTRC.
  2. Copy trc_target_setup.exe to IBMTRC.
  3. Open a command prompt window and go to IBMTRC.
  4. Type DIR to verify that the exe file is in this folder.

  5. To install the target, type the following command in one line.


    Use the following installation parameters customize your installation.
    Note: Ensure that the correct values are assigned to the parameters as no validation of the values is carried out.
    Denotes a silent installation.
    The string that is attached to /v contains the parameters for msiexec.exe, which is a piece of software that runs the installation.
    Run a silent and unattended installation with no progress window and no UI.
    You can also replace /qn with the following parameters.
    For an unattended installation with a basic UI and a small progress bar.
    For an unattended installation with a reduced UI progress bar in a large window.
    For an attended installation with full UI.
    The host name or IP address of the server. This property is required. Default value is <blank>.

    For example,

    This parameter value must match the last part of the path in the server URL. Default value is trc.

    For example, TRC_SERVER_CONTEXT=trc.

    If the server runs on a non-standard port, specify the port number. Default value is 80.

    For example, TRC_SERVER_PORT=8080.

    Choose between plain HTTP and secure HTTPS protocols. Valid values are http and https. Default value is http.

    For example, TRC_SERVER_PROTOCOL=http.

    Host name or IP address for the proxy server, if you are using one. Default value is <blank>.

    For example,

    Port number for the proxy server. Default value is <blank>.

    For example, TRC_PROXY_PORT=8080.

    The user ID, if the proxy requires authentication. Default value is <blank>.

    For example, TRC_PROXY_USER_ID=proxyuser.

    The password, if the proxy requires authentication. Default value is <blank>.


    The user ID and password, format user: password, encoded in base64. Overrides the user ID and password properties. Use this parameter if you do not want the password to be easily visible. Base64 is not encryption. Default value is <blank>.

    For example, TRC_PROXY_AUTH_B64=cHJveHl1c2VyOnYyNjR4bXB0

    To run the target on a non-standard port, specify the port number to use. Default value is 888.

    For example, TRC_TARGET_PORT=888.

    The amount of time, in minutes, that the target waits before it resends a heartbeat to the server, when the server is not responding. Default value is 10.


    Enables the accessible UI. Default value is No. Available on Windows operating system.
    The name of the group that the target is to be assigned to. To enable this feature, edit the file and set = true. For more information about editing the properties files, see the IBM BigFix Remote Control Administrator's Guide. Default value is DefaultTargetGroup.
    1. The GROUP_LABEL parameter is discarded if the target is already registered in the IBM BigFix Remote Control server.
    2. The target group that is specified must already be defined on the server.

    For example, GROUP_LABEL=NewTargetGroup.

    Use this parameter to specify the directory for installing the target software to.

    For example, INSTALLDIR= c:\trc\target.

    Use this parameter to enable peer to peer connections regardless of the server status. Default is No.
    Use this parameter to enable failover to peer-to-peer mode when the server is down or unreachable. Default is No.
    Use this parameter to log peer to peer session events in the targets application event log for auditing purposes. Default is No.
    Use this parameter to save the contents of the chat window to a file on the target. Default is No.
    Determines whether the user acceptance window is displayed on a target where the user is not logged on. Default is Yes.
    The controller user must be a member of the listed groups. Default is BUILTIN\Administrators on Windows systems and wheel on Linux® systems.
    Determines whether the login window is displayed when the controller user selects a session type in the Open Connection window. Default is Yes.
    Determines whether the user acceptance window is displayed before the controller user transfer files from the target to the controller in a peer to peer session. Default is Yes.
    Determines whether the user acceptance window is displayed when the controller user selects a different session mode during the remote control session. Default is Yes.
    Determines whether the user acceptance window is displayed when the controller user requests to view the target system information. Default is Yes.
    Determines whether the user acceptance window is displayed when a peer to peer session is requested. Default is Yes.
    Determines whether you can start a chat session with the target and also chat to the controller user during a peer to peer session. Default is No.
    Determines the availability of the clipboard transfer menu during a peer to peer session. Default is No.
    Determines whether you can transfer files from the target to the controller during a peer to peer session.
    Determines whether you can transfer files from the controller to the target during a peer to peer session. Default is No.
    Enable the use of a FIPS certified cryptographic provider for all cryptographic functions. Default is No.
    Enable the use of NIST SP800-131A compliant algorithms and key strengths for all cryptographic functions. Default is No.
    Set the logging level. The logging level determines the types of entries and how much information is added to the target log file. Possible values 0,1,2, or 4. However, use LOGLEVEL=4 only by request from IBM software support. Default value is 2.
    For example, LOGLEVEL=2.
    Controls the period after which an older log file is overwritten. Set to Daily, Weekly, or Monthly. Default value is Weekly.
    For example, LOGROTATION=Monthly.

    You can also disable log rotation by using the value Disabled.

    Controls the period after which a new log file is started. This period must be shorter than the LOGROTATION period, therefore not all combinations are valid. LOGROLLOVER cannot be disabled. Set to Daily or Hourly. Default value is Daily.
    For example, LOGROLLOVER=Daily.


Note: If you want to reconfigure the parameters on an existing target installation, use the parameter, REINSTALL=ALL. However, the parameter is ignored if it is used when you upgrade the target.

For example, on the command line you can type the following command:

trc_target_setup.exe /s /v"/qn REINSTALL=ALL"

To modify the target configuration and apply an upgrade, complete the following steps.

  1. Perform a silent installation with the new version of target software. Do not use any parameters. If you do use parameters, the target is upgraded but the parameters are ignored and are not updated.
  2. Perform a silent re installation with REINSTALL=ALL and any new parameters.

You can also specify the parameters that you want to override.

For example, to change the target port to 2222, type the following command

trc_target_setup.exe /s /v"/qn TRC_TARGET_PORT=2222 REINSTALL=ALL"
Note: To view Help options during the installation, type the following command on the command line. trc_target_setup.exe --help