Creating the database

About this task

Use the MS SQL management studio to complete the following steps:

Note: During the installation of MS SQL, mixed mode authentication should have been set up.


  1. Click Connect.
  2. Right-click the server tree and click properties.
  3. Select security.
  4. Ensure that SQL server and authentication mode is selected.
  5. Expand the server tree.
  6. Right-click databases.
  7. Select Create New Database.
  8. Enter a name for the database. For example, TRCDB. Click OK.


The default owner of the database is user sa, the system administrator. Create a new user, to be the owner of the database being used with IBM® BigFix® Remote Control.

Database permissions

The default system administrator is the owner of the database and therefore has the required permissions for using the database. If you have created a new user, they also have the required permissions if they have been assigned as the owner of the database.