Installing the controller in other supported operating systems

About this task

If you are using a supported operating system other than Windows™ operating system, Linux™, AIX®, or Solaris (SPARC), extract the controller files by using the additional setup utility. Then, copy the required files to the system that you are running the controller on. You must run the additional setup utility on a Windows, Linux, AIX, or Solaris(SPARC) system. For more information about obtaining the additional setup utility files, see Install the IBM BigFix Remote Control components.

Note: Ensure that you install a supported version of Java™ to run the controller on the other supported operating system. See Controller requirements.

To install the controller, complete the following steps:


  1. After you extract the installation files, go to the RCController directory.
  2. Copy the file to the system that you are running the controller on.
  3. Extract the files from the file.
  4. Type the following command to run the controller

    java -jar TRCConsole.jar