Viewing your user details

About this task

Use the My Details option to view and update your own user details.

To view your user details, complete the following steps:


  1. Click Users > My Details.
    The Change Details screen is displayed.
    Note: A warning message is displayed when LDAP synchronization is enabled to indicate that any changes or additions might be lost at the next synchronization.
  2. Change or update the relevant details.
    The following items must be noted.
    1. The user ID field cannot be changed.
    2. If you are an admin user, you also see the list of User groups that are defined. You can select or clear selected groups that you are a member of.
    3. The Change My Password option is not available when LDAP authentication is enabled.

    To change your password, click Change My Password. For more information, see Changing your password.

  3. Click Submit.


Your amended user details are saved.