Installing and upgrading a relay from the command line

You can install or upgrade a relay from the command line using the setup.exe installer command.

The same installer command is issued by the Install or Upgrade Relay Fixlet on the target relevant clients.

For information about the setup.exe syntax and the available switches, for example /s for silent installation, see the following Microsoft article

This is the list of additional options that you can use when using the setup.exe installer:
Set it to 0 to prevent the BES Client service from restarting while installing or upgrading the relay. For example, if you want to install the relay in an unattended mode but you want to prevent the client from starting while processing you can run the following command:
setup.exe /s /v"RESTARTBESCLIENT=0 /qn"
Set this option to 0 to prevent the BES Relay service from starting while installing or upgrading the relay. For example, if you want to install the relay in an unattended mode but you want to prevent it from starting you can run the following command:
setup.exe /s /v"STARTRELAYSERVICE=0 /qb"
Note: This option is available starting from BigFix version 9.5 Patch 3.
Set this option to ReallySuppress if you want to prevent the relay machine from rebooting. For example, if you want to install the relay in an unattended mode but you want to prevent the system from rebooting you can run the following command:
    setup.exe /s /v"REBOOT=ReallySuppress /qn"