Fixlet fields

Fixlet fields provide essential information about Fixlets, helping them assess the importance, relevance, and impact of deploying a particular Fixlet to their systems.

Fixlets contain fields of metadata that provide specific details. Some Fixlet fields are common across all domains, that is, categories of BigFix sites. Other fields are common to only one domain or product, such as Patch Management.

The following table lists the Fixlet fields and their descriptions.

Table 1. Fixlet fields and descriptions

Fixlet fields Description BigFix domain
ID A numerical ID assigned to the Fixlet by the author. All
Name The name assigned to the Fixlet by the author. All
Applicable Computer Count The number of BigFix clients in the network currently affected by the Fixlet. All
Category The type of Fixlet, such as a Security Patch or Update. All
Download Size The size of the remedial file or patch that the action downloads. All
Source The name of the source vendor that provides the Fixlet information. All
Source ID A numerical ID assigned to the Fixlet to relate it back to its source. All
Source Release Date The date when an upstream vendor releases the patch. All
Source Severity A measure of how critical a Fixlet is, assigned by the Fixlet author. Typical values are Critical, Important, Moderate, or Low. All
Site The name of the site that is generating the relevant Fixlet. All
Unlocked Computer Count The number of unlocked computers that are affected by the Fixlet. All
Open Action Count The number of distinct actions that are open for the given Fixlet. All
X-Fixlet-product-family The product family that the patch belongs to. Windows Patching (Relates to BigFix Patch Management)
X-Fixlet-product The product that the patch belongs to under a certain product family. Windows Patching (Relates to BigFix Patch Management)
X-Fixlet-component A component that the patch targets under a certain product family. Windows Patching (Relates to BigFix Patch Management)
Modification Time The time when a given Fixlet was last modified. All
X-Fixlet-first-propagation The Fixlet release date. All