Rolling back a YUM transaction

Use the YUM Transaction History dashboard to roll back all transactions up to the point of the specified transaction.

Before you begin

Ensure that you meet the following requirements:

  • Use YUM version 3.2.28 and later. The rollback functionality is not supported for the YUM versions 3.2.28 to 3.2.29-22.
    Note: In the dashboard, if the YUM version of a selected endpoint is earlier than version 3.2.29-22, a warning sign next to the YUM version will indicate that the version does not support the rollback action. The Rollback button is disabled for all transactions if the version is not supported.
  • Subscribe to the Patching Support site.
  • Activate the YUM Transaction History analysis.
Note: Active kernel cannot be rolled back for a kernel update.


  1. From the BigFix console, go to External Sites > Patching Support > Dashboards > YUM Transaction History.
  2. Select the endpoint whose YUM history you want to view.
    Note: If the YUM version of a selected endpoint is earlier than version 3.2.29-22, a tooltip will indicate that the version is not supported.
  3. Select the transaction that you want to roll back to.
  4. Click Rollback.
    The Rollback Up To Transaction window opens.
  5. Optional: You can enter additional flags to further customize the rollback action.
  6. Click Apply.
  7. From the Take Action window, select the computer and click OK to run the action.