<deprecated> Reassignment of instances to a product for a list of releases

You use the POST operation on the api/sam/swinventory/reassignRelease element to reassign instances for a list of releases to a product.

An icon representing a user. You must have the Manage Software Classification permission to perform this task.
Important: Use this REST API only for BigFix products. The REST API returns only instances that are assigned to default license metrics.
Table 1. Operation descriptions
Operation details Description
Operation /api/sam/swinventory/reassignRelease
Purpose Reassigns instances to a product for a list of releases.
HTTP method POST
Resource URI https://server_host_name:port_number/api/sam/swinventory/reassignRelease
URL link relation n/a
URI query parameters For a list of applicable query parameters, see: Query parameters.
Request headers
Accept-Language (optional)
en-US (only English is supported)

Used to negotiate the language of the response. If this header is not specified, the content is returned in the server language.

Request payload n/a
Request Content-Type n/a
Response headers
en-US, …

Specifies the language of the response content. If this header is not specified, the content is returned in the server language.

Response payload n/a
Response Content-Type n/a
Normal HTTP response codes
  • 204 – No content
Error HTTP response codes
  • 400 – “Bad Request” if a query parameter contains errors or is missing
  • 401 – “Unauthorized” if the user is not authorized to perform the operation
  • 404 – “Not Found” if a release or instance of the product or version that the user requested does not exist
  • 422 – “Unprocessable Entity” if the request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors

Message body excludes an error message with details.

Query parameters

You can use query parameters to narrow down the results of your search. The following table presents query parameters that you can use for the POST/swinventory/reassignRelease element.
Table 2. Query parameters for retrieving instances to reassign to a release

The table consists of four columns and ten rows.

Parameter Description Required Value
endDate Discovery end date. If the parameter is not specified, the current date is used. No Date in the YYYY-MM-DD format
name_host_filter The name of the computer on which the software item is installed. No String
name_server_filter The name of the server on which the software item is installed. No String
operating_system_filter Operating system of the computer on which the software item is installed. No String
part_number_filter The part number to which the software item was assigned according to the imported part number list. No String
product_release_component_filter The name of the software product, release, or component. No String
productId A unique identifier of a product to which the instance is to be assigned.

Use the GET operation on the swinventory/targetBundlesOfReleases element to get product identifiers.

Yes Numeric
releases A list of unique release identifiers separated with a comma. At least one identifier must be specified. Yes Numeric
startDate Discovery start date. If the parameter is not specified, the first date that is not covered by a signed audit report is used. If there are no signed reports, the server installation date is used. No Date in the YYYY-MM-DD format
token A unique user authentication identifier. Yes Alphanumeric

Example HTTP conversation

POST /api/sam/swinventory/reassignRelease
Host: localhost:9080
Accept-Language: en-US
Response header
HTTP/1.1 204 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Language: en-US