REST API for retrieving the BigFix Inventory version

You use the GET operation on the api/sam/about element to request information about the version of BigFix Inventory.

To retrieve information about the current version of BigFix Inventory, use the following URL:
  • To use this API, you must be assigned to the All Computers group and have the View Hardware Inventory permission.
  • Each API request must be authenticated with the token parameter. You can retrieve it by using REST API for retrieving authentication token. You can also log in to BigFix Inventory, hover over the User icon User icon, and click Profile. Then, click Show token.
  • By default, the retrieved data is sorted by id.
Table 1. Operation descriptions
Operation details Description
Operation GET /api/sam/about
Purpose Returns the version of BigFix Inventory
HTTP method GET
Resource URI https://server_host_name:port_number/api/sam/about
URL link relation n/a
URI query parameters n/a
Request headers
Accept-Language (optional)
en-US (only English is supported)

Used to negotiate the language of the response. If this header is not specified, the content is returned in the server language.

Request payload n/a
Request Content-Type
  • application/json
Response headers

Specifies the content type of the response.

en-US, …

Specifies the language of the response content. If this header is not specified, the content is returned in the server language.

Response payload About element
Response Content-Type
  • application/json
Normal HTTP response codes
  • 200 – OK
Error HTTP response codes
  • 500 – “Bad Request” if a query parameter contains errors or is missing

Message body includes an error message with details.

Example HTTP conversation

GET api/sam/about
Host: localhost:9081 
Accept: application/json 
Accept-Language: en-US
Response header
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Language: en-US
Response body (JSON)
"product": "BigFix Inventory",
"version": "9.2.20140331-2015"