Mapping columns between computer_systems and v2/computers REST API

Available from 9.2.8. If you have custom tools or internal processes that use the computer_systems REST API, learn how columns in this API map to the columns in the v2/computers API. It is best to adjust the tools to use REST API in version 2.

Note: If a column from the computer_systems API that you use does not map to any column in the v2/computers API or the mapping provides insufficient granularity of information, submit an idea.
Table 1. Mapping computer_systems to v2/computers REST API
computer_systems API computers API Comments
id Computer systems are substituted with computers.
parent_id Computer systems are substituted with computers. Additionally, REST API version 2 is not hierarchical.
computer_id id
computer_remote_id bigfix_id
server_id computer_hardware.server_id
type computer_hardware.computer_type REST API version 2 has three possible values: physical, virtual, and computer running on a public cloud.
os os
host_name name
dns_name dns_name
ip_address ip_address
last_seen last_seen
hardware_manufacturer The information is contained in the computer_hardware.server_name column.
hardware_model The information is contained in the computer_hardware.server_name column.
hardware_serial_number The information is contained in the computer_hardware.server_name column.
hardware_type The information is contained in the computer_hardware.server_name column.
hardware_name computer_hardware.server_name
processor_brand_string computer_hardware.processor_brand_string
processor_type computer_hardware.processor_type
processor_brand computer_hardware.processor_brand
processor_vendor computer_hardware.processor_vendor
partition_cores computer_hardware.partition_cores
server_processors computer_hardware.node_total_processors
server_cores computer_hardware.server_cores
pvu_per_core computer_hardware.pvu_per_core
cluster_id Cluster ID is substituted with cluster name that is available in the computer_hardware.cluster_name column.